Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Logo-supersentai This article is about a/an comparison in the Super Sentai series.

This page highlights the differences between the Ryukengers and the Donbrothers.

Ryukengers Donbrothers
Ryukenger's motif is an animals, knights and fantasy. Donbrothers' motif is based on the legend of Momotaro.
They use the same color scheme as the Zyuohgers. They use the same color scheme as the Google V, Dynamen, Maskmen, Turborangers, Fivemen, Zyurangers, Megarangers, Boukengers and Goseigers.
The core team composed three male members and two female members. The core team composed four male members and only female member.
Despite having two sixth Sentai Rangers, Sento Asamachi and Kento Asamachi are officially the first and second member to be trained for the team before the core Ryukengers. Being only sixth Sentai Ranger of the team, Jiro Momotani are the current (last) Sentai Ranger to be trained and joined the team after the core Donbrothers.
All the members are humans. All members except Taro and Jiro is the humans. Taro and Jiro's homeworld are still unknown.
Their device can access the Sentai power, similar to Zenkaigers. Their device can access to morph into the past Sentai Rangers.
