Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Logo-supersentai This article is about a/an comparison of characters in the Super Sentai and Power Rangers franchises. PR2020 logo

This page highlights the differences between the Kiramagers and the Jewel Rangers.

MSK-Kiramagers (All Six)
Jewel Rangers


Kiramagers Jewel Rangers
The Kiramagers only have 6 members. The Jewel Rangers temporarily gain a seventh member.
Kiramai Gold was only a fantasy. The Gold Ranger was a real person before their powers were destroyed.
The Kiramagers get their powers from the Kiramai Stones. The Jewel Rangers' powers are artificial, created by the Jewel Morpher.
The Kiramagers appeared 7 years after the ToQgers. The Jewel Rangers were directly proceeded by the Rescue Rail Rangers.
The Kiramagers were directly preceded by the Ryusoulgers. The Jewel Rangers appeared 2 years after the Dino Fury Rangers.