Commander Drago is the commander of the Cosmic Fury Rangers. He becomes the tenth member of the team as Cosmic Fury Purple Ranger.
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Drago is similar to the original Blue Ranger, Billy Cranston, in that he has always been a very intelligent person. He speaks with more scientific terminology, even in the most informal terms and is always serious, even in combat and in the most difficult and desperate situations.
Cosmic Fury Purple Ranger[]

Cosmic Fury Purple Ranger
This is Drago's Ranger form as a result of the Dragon Morpher reacting with the Cosmic Dragon Zord. It is based on a Dragon.
Powers and Abilities[]
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- Final Dragon Blast: Cosmic Fury Purple Ranger performs a powerful blast attack with the Dragon Morpher that takes the shape of the Cosmic Dragon Zord and charges at the enemy.
- Unnamed Attack: Cosmic Fury Purple performs a powerful blast attack with the Dragon Morpher alongside his fellow teammates.
- Unnamed Attack: An upgraded version of this finisher with the first 11 Cosmic Fury Rangers.
- Unnamed Attack: An upgraded version of this finisher with the all 12 Cosmic Fury Rangers.
- Cosmic Ultimate Strike: Cosmic Fury Purple performs a supercharged energy attack with the Dragon Morpher alongside his fellow teammates.
- Super Speed:He has shown that he can move at extremely fast speeds.
- Quick Reflexes: He has show to be quick in dodging blasts shot.
- Weapon Skills: He has been able to use the Dragon Morpher as both a melee and firing weapon with no problems of any kind and has also been show to use it to do back shots or create an shield without any training or assistance of any kind.
- Martial Arts Prowess: He has shown to be capable of martial arts to the point he is capable of forming a small energy ball between his hands for a melee attack.
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- Cosmic Globes
- Dragon Cosmic Globe
- Dragon Buckle
- Dragon Morpher
Appearances: CF Episodes 8-25
- Cosmic Fury Rangers - Teammates
- Marvin Shih/Cosmic Fury Red Ranger
- Fern/Cosmic Fury Orange Ranger
- Eddie Banks/Cosmic Fury Blue Ranger
- Vesper Vasquez/Cosmic Fury Gold Ranger
- Ultrataur/Cosmic Fury Black Ranger
- Blaze/Cosmic Fury Silver Ranger
- Roxy Collins/Cosmic Fury Green Ranger
- Chloe Ashford/Cosmic Fury Pink Ranger
- Jack Thomas/Cosmic Fury Yellow Ranger
- Alpha 9/Cosmic Fury Aqua Ranger
- Joe Shih/Cosmic Fury Quantum Ranger
- Mighty Morphin Rangers
- Ninja Steel Rangers
- Dino Charge Rangers
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Squid Ink Inc.[]
- Lord Zedd
- Bajillia Naire
- Squillia Naire
- Scrozzle
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Behind the Scenes[]
- Shou Ronpo is voiced by David Yost who previously portrayed Billy Cranston in Power Rangers Mighty Morphin.
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Concept Art[]
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- He is the first Purple Ranger to be the second-in-command of the team.
See Also[]
- Shou Ronpo - Super Sentai counterpart in Kyuranger. See comparison page.