Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-kyuranger This article is about a/an ranger in Power Rangers Universe.

"Power of the Mighty Dragon!"
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Colonel Xiao Longbao is the commanding officer of the U.S.S. Destiny, the flagship of Star Battleforce, and the commander of the Star Battleforce Rangers. He later joins the team in battle, becoming Ranger Series Drago.

Character History[]


Colonel Xiao is the straight-forward and strictly thought commanding officer of the U.S.S. Destiny and the Star Battleforce Rangers. He is extremely dedicated to his duties as part is role as commanding officer and has little to no time for anything outside of it, and expected the same of his subordinates or in some cases demanded it, and leads the organization with his iron fist methods and will ensure that evil is eliminated from the galaxy. But he does a soft side with the Power Rangers as they see him as a father figure in and out of battle when it comes to risk and putting the team in danger.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Super Speed: As seen in his first battle against Cereberos and Octiqua. As he fought as a ranger in its incomplete status, he has show to move at a speed fast enough to catch them by surprise as shown in episode 9 this power was passed on to his completed form as well.
  • Quick Reflexes: As seen in his first official battle as Ranger Series Drago, he has show to be quick in dodging blasts shot by Cereberos and Octiqua.
  • Weapon Skills: As seen in his first battle as Ranger Series Drago, he has been able to use the Drago Command Staff as both a melee and firing weapon with no problems of any kind and has also been show to use it to do back shots or create an shield without any training or assistance of any kind.

Star Battleforce Ranger Series Drago[]


Star Battleforce Ranger Series Drago (incomplete)

This is Colonel Xiao's initial Ranger form. This form predates all the modern-day S.B.F. Rangers, having been used by Xiao during his days as a soldier. The system for this form was invented as a way to allow those who had not been chosen by the Sector Key to fight. As the system Xiao had invented used Skill Key instead of Basic Sector Key, this transformation had a time limit. After the time limit expired, Xiao was left weakened and vulnerable.



Star Battleforce Ranger Series Drago

This is Colonel Xiao's newer, evolved Ranger form. When the power of the nine Sector Key resonated with his desire to fight together with the Rangers under his command, Xiao's Drago Sphere evolved from a Skill Key to a full Sector Key. This allowed his transformation to evolve into a newer, stronger form, removed the time limit it originally had, and manifested Drago Voyager 10 to fight alongside him.






See also[]

Power nav icon Power Rangers Universe Icon-kyuranger
Arthur Morgan - Dimitri Skorpirov - Wild Bill - Bronzee - Moose - Florian Hebitsuvic - Megan Sawyer - Joi - Ryan Torres - Colonel Xiao Longbao - Russell Cubowski - Agent 263
Evil Rangers: Metal Florian
Uni-Controller (Arkeyan Controller) - Drago Command Staff - Phoenix Saber & Shield
Multi-Use Devices
Sector Keys
Individual Weapons and Team Weapon
Universal Weaponization System
Uni-Saber - Uni- Spear - Uni-Claw - Uni-Bowgun - Uni-Axe - Uni-Scythe - Uni-Skewer - Uni- Sweeper - Uni-Razor
Other Devices
Ranger Lottery
Horsie - Supreme Commander Mor-La - Professor Levicitus Cornwall (good)
Leo Voyager 1 - Scorpio Voyager 2 - Lupus Voyager 3 - Libra Voyager 4 - Taurus Voyager 5 - Ophiuchi Voyager 6 - Chameleon Voyager 7 - Aquilla Voyager 8 - Dorado Voyager 9 - Drago Voyager 10 - Ursa Voyager 11 (U. Minor Voyager 11.1 - U. Major Voyager 11.2) - Phoenix Steel Zord - Phoenix Steel Dish - Phoenix Steel Launcher - Orion Voyager 13 - Orion Command Ship - Oracle Zord
Voyager Squad Megazord - Drago Pride Megazord - Phoenix Steel Megazord - Orion Megazord
Voyager Pride Megazord - Star Battleforce Ultrazord - Star Battleforce - Arsenal Ready - Leo Oracle Zord - Voyager Squad Oracle Zord
Arkeyan Empire
Leader: His Magnificence
Senators: Z'azlom (Z'Aezoth, Pom-Pom, Gazla)
Major: Volstagg - Cereberos - Mikhail Toxstatin - Octiqua
Minor: Bazoo Kaboom - Free K. Tiki - Warden Gatling - Tankin' Joe - Fris Breach - Billy Basebrawl - Southon Cross
Lone Commandants: Perpiculous Plump - Dreamin' Weave - Dagi Long-Necks - Roboto Epee - TBA - Fuzzy Spectra - Gigan UFO-Lots - Sunken Gear - Kage Avalon - Stone Juvenile - Extra Neck-Teach - Giwi McNewzie - Endoskel Pinch
O'Neil Brothers: Otis O'Neil - Norman O'Neil - Javier O'Neil - Dale O'Neil - Ernie O'Neil - Earl O'Neil - Wilton O'Neil - Dalton O'Neil - Elwood O'Neil
Enforcement-Class: Lord Stinker
Scientists: Professor Leviticus Cornwall (evil) - Scapel
Footsoldiers: Roswells - Moonbillies
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