Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Colin Cooper
Shape Ranger IV - Black
Gender: Male
Season: Shape Madness
Color: Black
Homeworld: Earth
First Appearance: Shape is Good For
Last Appearance:
Number of Episode Appearances: 30 (Power Rangers Shape Madness)

1 (Power Rangers Turbo Charge)

Shape Ranger IV - Black
Shape Ranger IV Black

"Shape Ranger IV, Black!"
ā€•Roll Call

- Colin's roll call

Colin Cooper was the Black Shape Ranger IV of Power Rangers Shape Madness, and the member of the Shape Rangers.



Shape Madness[]

Turbo Performance[]


Black Shape Ranger IV[]



  • Shape Morpher (Black) - Allows Colin to morph into the Shape Ranger IV - Black after inserting the Black Shape fragment into the morpher.
  • Square Ax - Colin's primary weapon.

Ranger Key[]

Black Shape Ranger Key

The Shape Ranger IV Key.

The Shape Ranger IV Black Key is Colin's personal ranger key. This key along with the majority of the Core Ranger Keys are seen lining the Command Center's interior walls. This key is mainly used by Stephanie Tornack (Stratoforce Pink) who uses it to fight as the Shape Ranger IV Black.

When the Stratoforce Rangers became the Shape Madness Power Rangers while fighting Brawlbot. The Stratoforce

When the Stratoforce Rangers became the Shape Madness Power Rangers while fighting Cardmaker. Shape Games


  • Colin is an Asian-American and has black hair and brown eyes.