Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Christopher Dickman
Gender: Male
Season: Cybersaurs
Color: Silver
Homeworld: Earth
First Appearance:
Last Appearance:
Number of Episode
Silver Cybersaur Ranger (2)
"Brachio Power! Silver Cybersaur Ranger!"

Christopher Dickman is Tyler's father who gives him an amber pendant that was later revealed to be the Secret Stone of the Cyber AlloZord, & sets him on his own path. Later he is pleased to have learned that Tyler has chosen his own path, but aligns with his own. He later becomes the Silver Cybersaur Ranger before betraying his son & fellow Cybersaur Rangers & joining the Emoticons.


He was first shown with a young Tyler traveling. He gives Tyler an amber necklace, & tells him to find a real dinosaur.

He reappeared, arriving in Olive Creek, & then used a Ki attack to attack Minor Emoticons. Before he left Olive Creek once more, he gave Archaeos the unknown rucksack.

He reappeared, arriving back in Olive Creek to give Tyler a special stone to give to Archaeos, who has recently been attacked by Envyro. It appears that Christopher knows Archaeos on a personal level, as he knew Archaeos' true nature as a former member of the Emoticons.

He once again reappears, to find the last Lost Stone to revive the Cyber BrachioZord, with the help from his son.

Later in the series, Christopher appears just in time to save Tyler from being Chimerage's vessel. Archaeos later reveals that the Earth had chosen him to be a King, one who would be able to hear the music of the land, & lead humanity to greatness. Christopher leaves telling Archaeos that he must go on & finish his final task, & leave Tyler & his friends in Archaeos' hands.

He later acquires the Silver Cybersaur Ranger powers (both the Cybersaur Cell & Blastasaur Morpher) & fights his son in a one-on-one Cybersaur Ranger fight.

Silver Cybersaur Ranger[]



  • Christopher was possibly the Silver Cybersaur Ranger before Archaeos first morphed in the series.