Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Deboss-Knight of Anger
Gender: Male
Villain Type: General
Season: Cybersaurs
First Appearance:
Last Appearance:
Number of Episode

Chimerage is a chimera-themed general in the Emoticons. He tends to say "This is so irritating!" when vexed.

Character History[]

While aiding Chaos in Scotland during the early Middle Ages, Chimerage was seemingly destroyed by Peter's sacrifice, but actually reformed his body around the Cybersaur Ranger as part of his leader's plan to control the Cyber PteraZord. The last of Chaos' followers to be revived, with Chaos seeing if it is him or Peter, "Chimerage" fumes when leader apparently forgot his name.

As a result, the real Chimerage was dormant as he allowed the amnesic Peter to use his name when formally introducing himself to the Cybersaur Rangers during his scheme to have Jailcell captured martial artists to incite rage from them. Later, though it was a distraction for Chaos to obtain the Cyber PteraZord, Chimerage employs Copyglitch in a scheme to not only gather rage, but to also break up the Cybersaur Rangers. Though the plan failed, Chimerage is given a fake evil PteraCell. Eventually, the truth of Peter's fate is revealed as the real Chimerage reveals himself & regains control of Peter's body. Luckily, the Cybersaur Rangers manage to free their ally from Chimerage's possession by using a PteraCell infused with Archaeos & Andor's spirits.

Though his body shattered into a thousand pieces, Chimerage is recreated & forced to use the Cambrites as tentative vessels on a monthly basis, that is until he manages to take over fellow general Envyro.



Chimerage has the ability to discharge lightning from his body, to which he can channel to his seven-branched sword for brutal strikes.

After absorbing Envyro, Chimerage gains the ability to use his weapons (his candlestick-based pistol & sword) for attacks in unison with his normal sword.


  • Following the face theme of the Emoticons, Chimerage represents enraged facial expressions. Further following this theme, a being is consumed in Chimerage's armor by having Chimerage's face plate covering them.
  • The way Chimerage possesses his hosts by covering them in his armor-like body may be seen as them being "consumed" by rage.
  • It's unknown if Chimerage's elemental power over lightning & thunder is his own or if he gained it from taking over Peter.
  • Chimerage is similar to the Wild Force villain, Zen-Aku. Both villains used rangers as host bodies. The difference is that Peter was forced into the situation, while Merrick (Lunar Wolf Ranger) knew the risk of putting on the mask.
  • Chimerage's concept is also similar to that of Zeltrax's armor in Dino Thunder.