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DSZ-Tousai Zyuoh
Chimera Megazord
Zords: Rhino Zord
Croc Zord
Wolf Zord
Season: Super Beast Morphers
First Appearance:
The Number of Episode Appearances:
Length: 15.5 m
Width: 61.0 m
Height: 48.5 m
Weight: 4000 t
Speed: 500 km/h
Power: 33,000,000
"Chimera Megazord Unleashed!"
―Announcement after completing the transformation

The Chimera Megazord is the personal Megazord of the Chimera Ranger.  


The default formation of the Chimera Megazord is formed by combining the Rhino, Croc, & Wolf Zords. To initiate the transformation, the Chimera Ranger activates Combine Mode on his Morpher & rotates the cube to its combination face. Once the combine function is initiated, three parts of the Rhino Zord separate. The legs of the Chimera Megazord stand up so that the upper body can connect with the legs. After that, the Croc Zord attaches itself to the Chimera Megazord's right arm & the horn of the Rhino Zord attaches itself to the Chimera Megazord's left arm. Last but not least, the Wolf Zord stacks itself on the top of the Chimera Megazord's upper body, then folds itself to form the head.

Its strength rivals that of the Beast Prime Megazord & is able to launch the Croc & Wolf Zords from its body to slam into an opponent with enough force to counter the Beast Prime Megazord's Beast Prime Strike. It can also summon cubes from its shoulders.

The Chimera Megazord's finisher is where cubes land on the Megazord's shoulders to charge it up before it fires three energy blasts shaped like its component Beast Grid Zords from the Croc Zord's mouth.


The three Beast Grid Zords which make up the Chimera Megazord were accessed by Matt as the result of Vargoyle infusing him with three animal DNA samples, transforming him into a hybrid organism in which the Vargoyle Virus Army christened the "Chimera".

The Chimera Ranger first summoned his Beast Grid Zords to make his fight with the Super Beast Morphers Rangers "more exciting", having single-handedly overwhelmed all five on the ground. Bombarding the Super Beast Morphers Rangers who summoned their six Beast Grid Zords in response, the Chimera Ranger's Beast Grid Zords met them in a brief skirmish before forming the Chimera Megazord for the first time. With the Super Beast Morphers Rangers forming the Beast Prime Megazord, the Chimera Megazord began its assault & quickly proved to have the upper hand, using the Croc Zord to disarm the Beast Prime Megazord of the Beast Grid Sword. Facing the Beast Prime Megazord's Beast Prime Strike attack, the Chimera Ranger detached the Croc & Wolf Zords to block the finisher before it could fire. Proceeding to unleash his own finisher, the Chimera Megazord successfully defeated the Beast Prime Megazord, leaving the Super Beast Morphers Rangers defenseless in their Beast Grid Zords which were forced to separate. However, the Chimera Ranger was stopped short of finishing them by Vargoyle, who wished to prolong the enjoyment of the battle.

After Matt joined the Super Beast Morphers Rangers, Ravi asked him about the origins of the three Beast Grid Zords, asking if Vargoyle either found the three Zords or if they were created by him. However, Matt sadly didn't know, stating he was only given the Zords after he became the Chimera Ranger, thus leaving their origins a mystery for now.

Matt came up with the idea to combine the Chimera Megazord, the Beast Grid Megazord, the Prime-X Megazord, & the four auxiliary Beast Grid Zords. After three attempts, Matt found the right configuration & the six formed the Beast Steel Megazord.

Entrusted by his teammates to face Admiral Karban's giant Arrowtron while they dealt with the copy Suckertron, the Chimera Ranger formed the Chimera Megazord to engage Arrowtron, using the Bat Boomerang to quickly finish the revived Viratron off.

Among the Super Beast Morphers Rangers' fourteen Beast Grid Zords, the Rhino, Croc, & Wolf Zords became components of the ultimate combination, the Beast-RX Ultrazord.

Beast Grid Zords[]

Rhino Zord[]

DSZ-Cube Rhinos
Rhino Zord
Number: 9
Pilot: Chimera Ranger
Length: 100.5 m
Width: 28.0 m
Height: 21.5 m
Weight: 2800 tons
Speed: 500 km/h
Power: 23,000,000
DSZ-Cube Rhinos 78

The Rhino Zord carrying the Croc & Wolf Zords

The Rhino Zord is the Chimera Ranger's primary Beast Grid Zord, accessed through his Rhino DNA. Unlike the others, the Rhino Zord is a modified Beast Grid Zord. As such, it lacks a cube form & instead is modeled after a two trailer carrier truck, similar to the Croc Carrier from RPM. It carries the Croc & Wolf Zords into battle while its massive size enables it to easily smash through either obstacles or opponents. It forms the torso, legs, & left arm of the Chimera Megazord, the torso, legs, & head of the Beast Steel Megazord, & the chest of the Beast-RX Megazord.

Croc Zord[]

Croc Zord
Number: 7
Pilot: Chimera Ranger
Length: 37.5 m
Width: 13.0 m
Height: 13.0 m
Weight: 600 tons
Speed: 450 km/h
Power: 5,000,000

The Crocodile Zord, or the Croc Zord, is the second of the Chimera Ranger's Beast Grid Zord, accessed through his Crocodile DNA. It attacks with a powerful bite & an energy beam fired from its mouth. It can also gobble up Tetra Fighters which then explode in its stomach. Forms the right arm of the Chimera Megazord & Beast Steel Megazord & a portion of the left leg of the Beast-RX Megazord.

The Croc Zord can swim in seawater, hinting it might be themed after Saltwater crocodiles, the largest living reptiles in the world.

Wolf Zord[]

Wolf Zord
Number: 8
Pilot: Chimera Ranger
Length: 32.0 m
Width: 20.0 m
Height: 15.0 m
Weight: 600 tons
Speed: 550 km/h
Power: 5,000,000

The Wolf Zord is the third of the Chimera Ranger's Beast Grid Zords, accessed through his Wolf DNA. It uses its speed & agility to perform hit & run attacks on opponents while blasting at them with mouth fired energy bolts. It can also fire a sonic beam in its cube mode. Forms the head of the Chimera Megazord, the left arm of the Beast Steel Megazord, & a portion of the left leg of the Beast-RX Ultrazord.

Other Formations[]

Chimera Megazord: Bat Boomerang[]

DSZ-Tousai Zyuoh Komori Boomerang
Chimera Megazord: Bat Boomerang
Zords: Rhino Zord
Croc Zord
Wolf Zord
Bat Zord
Length: 15.5 m
Width: 61.0 m
Height: 48.5 m
Weight: 4,200 tons

The Chimera Megazord can equip the Bat Boomerang, the weapon form of the Bat Zord, to perform the finisher where the Chimera Megazord throws the Bat Boomerang at the opponent to slash them multiple times while in flight.

Beast Steel Megazord[]

DSZ-Wild Tousai King
Beast Steel Megazord
Zords: Eagle Zord
Shark Zord
Lion Zord
Elephant Zord
Tiger Zord
Gorilla Zord
Croc Zord
Wolf Zord
Rhino Zord
Giraffe Zord
Mole Zord
Bear Zord
Bat Zord
Length: 28.5 m
Width: 61.0 m
Height: 72.0 m
Weight: 8800 tons
Speed: 600 km/h
Power: 73,000,000

The Beast Steel Megazord is the combined form of the first nine Beast Grid Zords & the main four auxiliary Beast Grid Zords. The Beast Steel Megazord is armed with the Beast Grid Sword on its right arm & the Prime-X Cannon on its left arm.

Its finishers are where it charges the Beast Grid Sword with the power of all 13 component Beast Grid Zords which it manifests as a powerful blade of energy that pierces through the opponent & where it charges the Cannon with the power of all 13 component Beast Grid Zords & fires a powerful blast of energy at the opponent.

When first formed, the Super Beast Morphers Rangers had difficulty determining how to properly combine all of their Beast Grid Zords, attempting three different combinations before Matt randomly jumbled them together into the proper arrangement.

Beast Ninja Steel Megazord[]

Wild Tousai Shuriken King
Beast Ninja Steel Megazord
Zords: Eagle Zord
Shark Zord
Lion Zord
Elephant Zord
Tiger Zord
Gorilla Zord
Croc Zord
Wolf Zord
Rhino Zord
Giraffe Zord
Mole Zord
Bear Zord
Bat Zord
Ninja Fusion Star
Length: 28.5 m
Width: 61.0 m
Height: 72.0 m
Weight: 8800 tons
Speed: 600 km/h
Power: 73,000,000

The Beast Ninja Steel Megazord is the combination of the Beast Steel Megazord & the Ninja Fusion Star.

Its attack is the Ninja Star Shield where the Ninja Fusion Star detaches itself from the Beast Steel Megazord, splits into 3 Ninja Power Stars, & attacks the enemy.

Its finisher is where the Beast Ninja Steel Megazord channels the energy from the 20 Power Ranger teams & their giant Megazords & delivers a powerful energy blast to the enemy.


  • While the Rhino Zord doesn't have any cube form, a hypothetical cube form of the Rhino Zord can be seen in the background during completion of the Beast Steel Megazord.
  • The Rhino Zord is the first Rhinoceros themed Zord whose pilot is a Sixth Ranger.
  • The Wolf Zord is the first wolf-themed zord to form the head & not a limb.

See Also[]
