Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

[[Category:Idol Sentai Chibiranger]]

Chibi Belle Robo is the second giant mecha of the Chibirangers. It is piloted by Chibi Gold and Chibi Silver. Armed with the Chibi Guarder shield, it can execute the Chibi Guarding Bash, where the Chibi Belle Robo bashes the opponent with the Chibi Guarder.


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Chibi Penguin[]

[[Category: Idol Sentai Chibiranger]]

Chibi Penguin is the Chibi Gold's personal Chibi Animal. During the Chibi Belle Robo formation, Chibi Penguin becomes the right lower arm of Chibi Belle Robo.

Chibi Dolphin[]

[[Category: Idol Sentai Chibiranger]]

Chibi Dolphin is the Chibi Silver's personal Chibi Animal. During the Chibi Belle Robo formation, Chibi Dolphin becomes the left arm of Chibi Belle Robo.

Chibi Whale[]

[[Category: Idol Sentai Chibiranger]]

Chibi Whale is the Chibi Gold and Chibi Silver's side Chibi Animal. It is themed after a Whale. During the Chibi Belle Robo formation, Chibi Whale forms the Chibi Guarder, the entire body and legs, the right upper arm, part of left upper arm, and the head of Chibi Belle Robo.

Alternate Combinations[]

Super Chibiranger Robo[]

[[Category:Idol Sentai Chibiranger]]

Super Chibiranger Robo is the combined Mecha form of all eight Chibi Animals. It consists of Chibi Tiger and Chibi Cat as the right and left arm respectively, Chibi Cow as the lower torso and the legs, Chibi Panda as the torso and the head, Chibi Rabbit and Chibi Penguin as the right and left ankle respectively, Chibi Dolphin as both right and left arm gauntlets, and Chibi Whale as the feet/shoes, torso, and helmet.

It's finisher is Super Chibi Assembling Blast, where all eight Chibi Animals are charged with energy and shoot them toward the enemy.


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