Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

Charlie Wilson, Pink Lighting Ranger second youngest child, a kind and sweet girl, who runs a daycare. She tries to keep the family from killing each other. She's the second least skilled martial artist of the bunch.


Charlie Wilson is kind, empathetic, and nurturing young woman who cares for her family. She is heart of the team.

She is observe, compassion, and strong young woman who looks out for her family. She is a pacifist who doesn't fighting. With her family style with being evasive and quick.

She is also good with kids, willing to help with any problem they have. She is the most mature, she doesn't her past control the rest of siblings of her siblings do.



Lightning Aura: Gifted by their adoptive father, Blitz, Charlie can channel lightning based aura an attack and his own unique powers.

  • Lightning Aura Blast: Like the rest of Lightning Rangers, Charlie can create a blast of lightning aura fire at his opponents.
  • Energy Healing: Through her lightning aura and kind mentality can heal the souls and minds of others of mental torment and powers-related issues.