Charged Out, Part 2 is the forty-second and final episode of Power Rangers: Ocean Charge. It is part two of the epic two-part finale; this marks the end of the series.
(Part 2) When the Rangers discover the Cavern base has been destroyed, Alpha 8 destroyed in pieces, their zords inactive since the Darkonda battle, and realizing Vortix and Elyria kidnapped Gemini, they soon learn that Necron have stolen the Pearls of Power after their battle. In their desperate time of need, the Rangers must find Gemini and stop Necron once and for all. For David, Tyler, Nathan, Rachel, Allison, and Jake, they must reach deep into their oceanic powers to save Summer Cove, rescue Gemini and the other Pearl Forgers, and defeat Necron's army...even if they have to make sacrifices.
Added later
Oceanic Rangers[]
Color | Role |
Shark | David Simmons |
Whale | Tyler Peterson |
Sea Turtle | Nathan Ross |
Manta Ray | Rachel Simpson |
Dolphin | Allison "Ali" Moore |
Tsunami Ranger[]
Color | Role |
Serpent | Jake Hampton |
- Gemini
- Alpha 8 (destroyed in part 1)
- Zoey
- Max
- Mortimer
- Unnamed Pearl Forger #1
- Unnamed Pear Forger #2
- Mr. Moore
- Necron (defeated by the Oceanic Rangers W/ the Pearls of Power)
- Elyria (Necron betrays her by sending her into a inescapable dimension)
- Vortix (defeated by the Tsunami Ranger)
- Symbolites
- Arthrodrones
- This marks the end of the series
- Final appearance for Necron, Elyria, Vortix, Symbolites, and Arthrodrones
- Final appearance for Tsunami Ranger's powers - as he sacrifices his entire power to defeat Vortix; Jake still lives but the Tsunami Ranger is no more.
- Final appearance of the Tsunami Megazord/Ultimate Oceanic Megazord
- Final appearance of Mortimer and the Pearl Forgers
- First and only appearance of the Nexum dimension
- The Oceanic Rangers and Gemini reprise their roles in the next Talixverse series, Power Rangers: Spy Ops in the two-parter, "Loosing Earth".
- As this episode marks the end of the show, the Oceanic Rangers, Gemini, Jake, Zoey, Max, and others will return in the movie continuation, Power Rangers: Ocean Charge - The Movie