Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
PR2020 logo This article is about a/an episode in the Power Rangers franchise.

[[Category:Power Rangers Robo Force episodes]]

Channel Surfing is the seventeenth episode of Power Rangers Robo Force. This episode features the debut of the Time Force Ranger Gear.


After Luke finally calms down from his duel with Rex, the two friends makeup just as Danny suddenly finds a mysterious remote in the wreckage of the Sentinel Battlezord's destruction. The Rangers then turn it on and are suddenly transported back in time to the year 2000 where they end up travelling to the set of Luke's favourite show when he was younger, "Poppy the Clown". But everything is not as it seems because hiding underneath the sounds of excited children and custard pies is the villainous, Channel Changer who has the power to warp reality and change the show that he's controlling to his liking!

With his childhood hanging in the balance, Luke and Rex decide to launch a plan to save the past as Morphin, Wild, Mystic and Overdrive are turned into animatronic characters from the show who look surprisingly like them.


For this episode's plot, see the Rangerwiki page for the Zenkaiger episode this one is based on.

Main Cast

Suit Actors (Stock Footage)

Ranger Gears

  • White Robo Ranger - White Robo Ranger (Flip Side)
  • Red Robo Ranger - Time Force, Red Robo Ranger (Finisher), Red Robo Ranger (Flip Side)
  • Yellow Robo Ranger - Yellow Robo Ranger (Finisher), Yellow Robo Ranger (Flip Side)
  • Pink Robo Ranger - Blue Robo Ranger (Finisher)
  • Blue Robo Ranger - Pink Robo Ranger (Finisher)
  • Gold Robo Ranger - Samurai Robo Ranger (Flip Side)


  • The scene at the end of the episode where Luke pies Danny in the face is a reference to the Christmas special of Dino Super Charge where Tyler accidentally hits everyone with a pie after falling from a ladder whilst setting up the Christmas tree.
  • When the Rangers arrive in the past, we can see the Lightspeed Rangers fighting the enlarged Thunderclaw in the Lightspeed Solarzord in the background.
  • The year that the Rangers are sent to by the remote is slightly ironic because Luke's actor (Caleb McLaughlin) wasn't born until 2001.
  • During the megazord battle, Channel Changer mimics the Spacium Beam of Ultraman.
