This article is about a/an Zord/Megazord in Power Rangers Olympian Force. |
The Cerberus Zord is a Zord in Power Rangers Olympian Force. It acts as Paul Blake's personal Zord.
After Paul became the Hades Knight and destroyed Gryphon, Gryphon quickly grew to giant size. Jason "Jay" Parker prepared to summon the Olympian Zords, but passed out due to the burns the Hoplite Armor caused. As all Megazords required Jay's Zords to be created and the other Rangers were also exhasted from the fight with Gryphon, the Rangers had no Megazords to fight Gryphon with. Christina Farro suggested creating a new Zord for Paul, as the Onyx Ranger's Zord was in the Underworld with the Onyx Ranger himself, Hades. After calling in Hecate, the Cerberus Zord was born, based on Paul's Hades Knight powers. The Cerberus Zord fought off Gryphon before transforming into the Cerberus Knight Megazord and destroying him.
Cerberus Zord[]
In this mode, the Cerberus Zord can fight with the claws on its feet, the teeth on its three heads and its sharpened tail. It also has a shield on its stomach that protects it from attacks to its underbelly. While it was powerful enough to knock over Gryphon (who was enhanced by the power of Hercules at the time), it did not possess the power to destroy him, forcing a change to the Cerberus Knight Megazord.
Cerberus Knight Megazord[]
Like some Zords in the past, the Cerberus Zord has a Megazord mode, though it is not referred to as a "Warrior Mode" like the White Tigerzord or Rhino Steel Zord. As the Cerberus Knight Megazord, it has access to its sharp tail, which it uses as a sword, and the shield it had on its stomach in Zord Mode. It can also attack with the heads on its shoulders and chest by firing blasts of shadow energy from them (referred to as Shadow Beams) or creating chains out of that same shadow energy (which are called Shadow Restraints) that can hold even Hercules' power in check. Its finisher is the Cerberus's Fury attack in which it slashes in an x pattern with two sword slashes before bisecting it, and the opponent, with the third slash.
- The Cerberus Zord was mostly based on the White Tigerzord/Won Tiger from MMPR Season 2/Dairanger, the Q Rex/V Rex from Time Force/Timeranger and the Rhino Steel Zord/Beast-Fist God SaiDain from Jungle Fury/Gekiranger.