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Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

The Turbo-Terrors are the monsters of the Road Ragers in Power Rangers Warpspeed Throttle


Ghassolin Meter

Shriekosene Meter

The Turbo-Terrors are born from an object brought to life by Feracrity using a special key called the Inciter Key Once created, the Turbo-Terrors will create chaos and they are able to absorb the Shriekosene that fuels up their Shriekosene meter.

File:Yeiyei Yaruka Releasing out the Ghassolin to enlarge the Kumaju.png

Grotorist releasing out the Shriekosene to enlarge the Turbo-Terror

When defeated,it becomes a Shriekosene Energy Burst and scatters into the atmosphere.Grotorist will then asborb the Shriekosene essence and rushes into the highway space,Once defeated in the highway.he then releases it to enlarge them.


to be added

List of Turbo Terrors[]

Behind the Scenes[]



See Also[]

All items (8)
