Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-zyuohger This article is about a/an set of villains in Power Rangers Discovery.

The three System Lords were a trio of Instinctian warriors defeated and slain by the forces of good prior to the series. After their defeat a bracelet that holds their spirit was left behind. Each one holds power over the natural elements of the world, namely sky, sea, and earth. Following the failure of Operation Hummingbird, Xenu decided to have the life talons extracted from his vault so he could revive the three Overlords.

The first System Lord is Aerosaur, the Sky System Lord who has the Instinctian Power of the Pterodactyl. The second Overlord is Squidija, the Sea System Lord who controls the Instinctian Power of the Kracken. The last of the trio is Molticon, the Land System Lord. He is the most powerful and controls the Instinctian Power of the Yeti.




Power nav icon Power Rangers Discovery Icon-zyuohger
Michael Burnham - Laura Jacobs - Daniel Elahi - Jimmy Sophocles - Erin Tucker - Lester Crest - Solomon Burnham - Mighty Condor Ranger
Amy Baxter - Digit - Maggie Sophocles - Corporal Sergei Kerimov - Jungle Joe - Lester-Tron - United Sovereign Paper

Instinctian Masters: Master Bigg Bear - Master Bird - Master Michelle Fieng - Master Lion - Master Donald Trunk - Master Beria - Master Vore - Master Gator - Master Nocerous

Legendary Rangers: Super Mega Rangers - Dino Fury Rangers

Omnimorpher - Primal Defender - Sky Saber - Continental Tricon - Continental Control Rod - Whale Command Cannon - Condor Bass Staff - Avalon Morpher - Avalon Saber
Zords and Megazords
Eagle Omnizord - Shark Omnizord - Lion Omnizord - Elephant Omnizord - Tiger Omnizord - Gorilla Omnizord - Crocodile Omnizord - Wolf Omnizord - Rhino Wheeler Zord - Whale Titanzord - Condor Zord
Micro Attack Zords
Micro Giraffe Zord - Micro Mole Zord - Micro Bear Zord/Micro Bear-X Zord - Micro Bat Zord - Octo Hybrid Zord - Micro Attack Zord Prototypes
Discovery Megazord - KongaMax Megazord - Continental Megazord - Whale Titanzord: Battle Mode - Condor Battlezord
Great Discovery Megazord - Grand Discovery Megazord - Discovery Ultrazord
Cult of Xenu
Xenu (Anton Baxter)
Narnette - Cubois - Malvor - Imperiax - Red Ranger Clone - Scourge - Zealots
System Lords
Aerosaur - Squidija - Molticon
Generation 4 Combat Disciple - Generation 5 Gun Runner - Generation 6 Hot Shot - Generation 9 Stormbreaker - Generation 8 Chicken Chomper - Generation 6 King Crab - Generation 8 Femme Fatale - Generation 6 Siren Buster - Generation 7 Pool Table - Generation 7 Mountain Climber - Generation 9 Vacuum Cleaner - Generation 10 Sharp Shooter - Generation 10 Trump Card - Generation 10 Bowling Alley - Generation 11 Prison Guard - Generation 10 System Crasher - Generation 10 Click-and-Capture - Generation 11 Shipwreck - Generation 11 Holiday Special - Generation 12 Garbage Disposal - Generation 12 Hunger Switch - Generation 12 Sumo Slammer (Porter Elahi) - Generation 13 Tentacle Dish - Generation 13 Dough-minator - Generation 13 Babble Bot - Generation 14 Gourmet Crusader - Generation 14 Double Trouble - Generation 14 Final Cut - Generation 14 Thug Life - Generation 15 Party Animal - Generation 15 Hammer Time - Generation 15 Writer's Block - Generation 15 Chain-n-Gain - Generation 15 Saw Soldier - Generation 15 Paint Pot - Generation 15 Grand Finale
Evil Zords:
Xenuzord - Xenuzord Mark II - Mass Production Xenuzord - Prism Fighters
Other Villains:
Vlad Gleberov - Migtropolis - The World - Deceptox - Scermazu - Zqwawk - Mr. Jolly
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