Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-kyuranger This article is about a/an set of rangers in Power Rangers Universe.

"Rangers Ready! Star Battleforce, guardians of the universe!"
ā€•S.B.F. Rangers announcing their arrival

"By the order vested upon us by the Star Battleforce, we will (all) deal with you by force!"
ā€•S.B.F. Rangers before finishing their opponent

The Star Battleforce Rangers are the Ranger team from Power Rangers Universe. They were a group of humans and aliens assembled by the S.B.F.'s Ranger Series program, fighting to liberate the universe from the clutches of the evil Arkeyan Empire.

Team Members[]

Designation Name
Star Battleforce Ranger Series Red Arthur Morgan
Star Battleforce Ranger Series Orange Dimitri Skorpirov
Star Battleforce Ranger Series Blue Wild Bill
Star Battleforce Ranger Series Gold Bronzee
Star Battleforce Ranger Series Black Moose
Star Battleforce Ranger Series Silver Florian Hebitsuvic
Star Battleforce Ranger Series Green Megan Sawyer
Star Battleforce Ranger Series Pink Joi
Star Battleforce Ranger Series Yellow Ryan Torres
Star Battleforce Ranger Series Drago Colonel Xiao Longbao
Star Battleforce Ranger Series Aqua Russell Cubowski
Star Battleforce Ranger Series Phoenix Agent 263

Team History[]


Main article: Arsenal (Universe)

Transformation Devices[]

Multi-Use Devices[]

  • Sector Keys ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†

Individual Weapons and Team Weapon[]


  • Drago Jet Cycle ā—†

Other Devices[]


Uni-Voyager System[]

Main article: Zords (Universe)
Legend:ā—† piloted mecha, ā—„ā–ŗ 2-person mecha, ā– auxiliary mecha


Alternate Combinations[]

Voyager Squad Megazord[]

Drago Pride Megazord[]

Voyager Pride Megazord[]

  • Voyager Pride Megazord 125678910 ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†
  • Voyager Pride Megazord 1234791011 ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā–

Voyager Squad Oracle Zord[]



  • With 12 members, the Star Battleforce Rangers are the largest team of Power Rangers ever.

See Also[]

All items (12)
