For all Power Rangers monsters on this wiki.
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Beamcaster (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) -
Centiback (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) -
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Lokar (Heitorfred1) -
Eleflame (Power Rangers Samurai) -
Skelerena (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) -
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Camera Org (Power Rangers Wild Force)
All items (3499)
- Aaron (TQG)
- Abaddon (Omniverse)
- Abalyfly
- Abauta (Heaven Version)
- Abekonbe (Heitorfred1)
- Abrakadanger (Heitorfred1)
- Absorbathor
- Abstrength
- Aburame (Heitorfred1)
- Abysshammer (Heitorfred1)
- AC (Heitorfred1)
- Accelfiend
- Ackshun (Heaven Version)
- Ackshun (Heitorfred1)
- Adhesive Dusker
- Adhesiver
- Admiral Dreadnought
- Aedwigens
- Agrios (Heitorfred1)
- Akamaru
- Akutagami (Heitorfred1)
- Akuzon
- Albius
- Alblackacino
- Alchemantore
- Alfred Peacock (Power Rangers Cops and Robbers)
- Alleater (Power Rangers Cops and Robbers)
- Alligorn
- Alpacacino
- Alphaleo
- Altor (Heitorfred1)
- Altrapa (Power Rangers Cops and Robbers)
- Alvodart
- Amadeus Griller
- Amphibicog
- Amphibious Attack Bot
- Amphibitor (Heitorfred1)
- Amphibius
- Amplifier Attack Bot
- Anargnaghouls
- Anchor Zordster
- Angelcon (Power Rangers Time Force)
- Angler
- Angor (Heitorfred1)
- Angry Flower
- Animaster
- Animax
- Anoghoul
- Antberry (Heaven Version)
- Antdrillion
- Antenna Attack Bot
- Antennatron (Heitorfred1)
- Antennatron 2.0 (Heitorfred1)
- Anteros
- Antle (Power Rangers Cops and Robbers)
- Antleon (Heitorfred1)
- Antliar
- Antrooper
- AntSlash
- Antsoldier
- Ape Zordster
- Aphodemon
- Apocalypse World Michael (Omniverse)
- Apollios
- Apophis (Omniverse)
- Aquafiend (Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue)
- Aquanobi
- Aquassassin
- Aquastride
- Aquincy
- Arcadeclawer
- Arcademaster
- Arcanstein
- Arcaring
- Arch Grace
- Archadread
- Ariclopsys
- Armablue
- Armademon
- Armaggen
- Armagkull
- Armalight
- Armapillio
- Armaroll
- Armastriker
- Armoguin
- Armorcitor
- Armortron
- Arthur Pendragon (Heitorfred1)
- Artilla (Heitorfred1)
- Artillicon (Power Rangers Time Force)
- Assassicog
- Asteorus
- Astrid and the Asteroids
- Astronex
- Atlanblast
- Atlanblast (Earth-1)
- Attack Bots (CPU)
- Attack Zords
- Auratar
- Automon (Heitorfred1)
- Aviatrix
- Azemidoro (Heitorfred1)
- Azima (Super Megaforce)
- Azold Wiseman
- Azpiradon
- B-Muvy
- B.E.T.A E1
- Baboo (Heitorfred1)
- Baboonicog
- Badpipes (Heitorfred1)
- Badrat (Heaven Version)
- Badrat (Heitorfred1)
- Badream
- Badussa (Heitorfred1)
- Baggage (Power Rangers Track Force)
- Bai Lai (Heaven Version)
- Bai Lai (Heitorfred1)
- Baitor
- Baka (Heaven Version)
- Bakraken (Heitorfred1)
- Bakudile
- Bakudile (Earth-1)
- Bakumaster
- Balançatron
- Balloon Attack Bot
- Bandz Head
- Bank Bonger
- Bankruptius
- Bankruptor
- Banpira (Heitorfred1)
- Barage
- Barakouzza (Heaven Version)
- Barakouzza (Heitorfred1)
- Barbdon
- Barbed Wire Org (Power Rangers Wild Force)
- Barbrawn
- Barku
- Barnactitan
- Baron (Police Thieves)
- Baron Texiz
- Barragefire
- Baseballoxior
- Bash-A-Mole
- Basilisk Beastmate
- Basilisk Negasaur
- Basilisking
- Batarax (Heitorfred1)
- Bataron
- Batinning
- Bazoo Kaboom
- Bazookant
- Beam
- Beamcaster (Heitorfred1)
- Beamcaster (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)
- Beartrap Fishogun (Power Rangers Gem Squad)
- Beauticruel (Heaven Version)
- Beauticruel (Heitorfred1)
- Beautycent
- Beebug
- Beelzefly
- Beestinger
- Beetle Zordster
- Beevil (Heitorfred1)
- Beezara (Heaven Version)
- Beezara (Heitorfred1)
- Beldanoth
- Belenile