These are all of the Blue Rangers on Power Rangers Fanon.
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- Aanakwad
- Abd al-Majid
- Abigail Langley
- Accel
- Adelina Beckham
- Adewale Okoro
- Agatha
- Ahn Sang-hoon
- Aichi Sendou (Earth-Ī±)
- Akihisa Yoshii (Earth-Ī±)
- Alan Francis
- Alban Merville
- Alex Karson
- Alexander Edwards
- Alf
- Amadi ben Moran
- Amakusa Shino
- Amaya Hisakawa
- Anael (Grid Series)
- Andor
- Andres Aguado
- Andy G
- Angelo Moreno
- Annika Kaczka
- Aoyama Koumori
- Archie Goldstein
- Archie Lakes
- Arnie Richardson
- Artimus/ Artie Williow
- Ashen Donata
- Asher Copeland
- Ashton Parker
- Augustin Blanco
- Axel Anisoptera
- Axle
- Aya Sukai
- Ayaka Nagoshi
- Bailey Milton
- Barbabright
- Barbara Remington
- Baron Jones
- Barry Afshar
- Barry Astor
- Beau Kassab
- Ben Hanson
- Ben Stevens
- Beornheard
- Beryk Navarro
- Bill Cranston
- Billy Cranston (Earth-Ī±)
- Billy Cranston (MMPR Fanon)
- Billy Cranston (Psychic-Echo Version)
- Billy Cranston (Rebirth)
- Billy Cranston (reboot)
- Billy Cranston (Revisited Series)
- Billy Cranston (Sentaies-Verse)
- Billy Cranston (Ultimate Power Rangers Universe)
- Billy James
- Blaine Moore
- Blake Bradley (Sentaies-verse)
- Bobby Dawkins (2017 movie)
- Boder
- Bolder
- Brad River
- Bradley Cranston
- Bradley Roach
- Brandon Cutler
- Bray Cooper
- Brian Wolfhard
- Bridge Carson (C-Squad Power Rangers:SPD)
- Bridge Carson (Sentaies-verse)
- Bridgette Firestone
- Brody Drake
- Brody Hansley
- Bruce Hanson
- Bryan Davison
- Bryce Mitchell
- Buldont Jr. (Reynoman)
- Buster
- C.J. Baxter
- Caleb Rodriguez
- Cameron (What If)
- Canis (Astro Force)
- Carl Barden
- Carlton Armstrong
- Castro Armstrong
- Cece Dharma
- Cerebreus Carlson
- Cestro (Sentaies-Verse)
- Chad Lee (Michael Chaturantabut)
- Chad Lee (Sentaies-verse)
- Chad Lee (Sigma Series)
- Chansu
- Chanyeol Park (Earth-Ī±)
- Charisse Jackson
- Charlie Genda
- Charlie Smith
- Chris Fuller
- Chris Halliwell (Grid Series)
- Chris Henderson
- File:Chris suitless.png
- Christopher Charles
- Chrona Dolnero
- Chun Li Zhang
- Ciara Edwards
- Clair
- Claire Baxter
- Clint Smith
- Clyde (Tribal Charge)
- Cody (Data Defenders)
- Cody mcguire
- Cody Trudeau
- Colton
- Comboy Star
- Connor Song (Grid Series)
- Conrad Oakley
- Cooper Levi
- Cooper Powell
- Coris
- Cory Kousen
- Cove
- Crispin Powers
- Crystalzord Skyer