Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
This article is about a/an set of arsenal in Power Rangers Zord World.

This page lists all the weapons, devices, and vehicles used by the Zord World Rangers. Below is the inventory, which also reflects on the Power Rangers Zord World series page as well as the team page of the Zord World Rangers.

Transformation Devices[]

Artling Morpher[]


Artling Morpher

Main article: Artling Morpher

The Artling Morpher is the main transformation device and sidearm of the Zord World Rangers.

Dalin Morpher[]


Dalin Morpher

Main article: Dalin Morpher

The Dalin Morpher is the main transformation device and sidearm of Zord World Gold Ranger.

Tozi Morpher[]


Tozi Morpher

Main article: Tozi Morpher

The Tozi Morpher is the main transformation device and sidearm of Tozi Ranger.

Multi-Use Devices[]

Zord Gears[]

KSZe-Zenkaiser Gear (Kikai Side)
Main article: Zord Gears


Individual Weapons[]

Mighty Power Sword and Mighty Power Shield[]

KSZe-Juran Sword and Juran Shield

The Mighty Power Sword and the Mighty Power Shield are a sword and a shield, respectively, that serve as the personal weapons of Mighty Zord Red Ranger. The shield forms the codpiece of Mighty Zord Red Ranger's Mighty-Rex Worldzord form, while the sword forms the zord's tail. These weapons are also used by World Megazord Wild Mighty Formation.

Wild Lion Claw[]

KSZe-Gaon Claw

The Wild Lion Claw is a close-range combat claw that serves as the personal weapon of Wild Zord Yellow Ranger. It forms the upper mane of Wild Zord Yellow Ranger's Wild Lion Worldzord form. This weapon is also used by World Megazord Wild Mighty Formation.

Mystic Magi Staff[]

KSZe-Magine Stick

The Mystic Magi Staff is a large magic scepter that serves as the personal weapon of Mystic Zord Pink Ranger. Mystina uses it to cast spells, though she can also ride it like a broomstick and dash against enemies. It forms the tail of Mystic Zord Pink Ranger's Mystic Dragon Worldzord form. This weapon is also used by World Megazord Mystic Overdrive Formation, though held as a wand/club hybrid.

Overdrive DriveMax Pick Axe[]

KSZe-Vroon Picker

The Overdrive DriveMax Pick Axe is a combat pickax that serves as the personal weapon of Overdrive Zord Blue Ranger. In addition to being used as a melee weapon, the Overdrive DriveMax Pick Axe can be held like a crossbow and fire twin blue energy bolts from the lights atop the pickaxe head, though this second mode is normally used by World Megazord. It forms the searchlights of Overdrive Zord Blue Ranger's Overdrive Dump Worldzord form.

Zord Power Staff[]

KSZe-Zenkai Tenlance

The Zord Power Staff is a lance that serves as the personal weapon of Dragon-Rex White Ranger. The Zord Power Staff can spin like a drill and can shoot it's tip out with rope to restrain enemies.

Delta World Cannon[]

Main article: Delta World Cannon

The Delta World Cannon is the personal weapon & zord of Zord World White Ranger. It was originally used by Lord Kikai, before being taken by Zord World White Ranger.

Other Devices[]

Zord Belt[]

The Zord Belt is a specialized belt buckle used by Zord World White Ranger and Zord World Red Ranger. Unavailable to the Zordian members, the Zord Belt stores and provides whatever Zord Gears is needed to combat the Tozi Tribe invasion forces. The buckle stores up to a maximum of 6 Zord Gears at a time, but the selection of gears change constantly depending on the situation. Zord World Gold Rangerā€™s suit features a red-colored variant.


Transformation Devices[]

Multi-Use Devices[]


  • to be added

Individual Weapons[]

Other Devices[]


  • Each of the four Robot Zord World Rangers' individual weapons might have been based something from the seaons their Past Megazord Basis' come from.
    • Mighty Zord Red Ranger's Mighty Power Sword and Mighty Power Shield might have been based on Megazord's Power Sword and Mastodon Shield respectively.
    • Wild Zord Yellow Ranger's Wild Lion Claw might have been based on the Red Lion Fang, it being a wild animal-themed melee weapon worn on the fist.
    • Mystic Zord Pink Ranger's Mystic Magi Staff might have been based on the Mystic Rangers' Magi Staff.
    • Overdrive Zord Blue Ranger's Overdrive DrimeMax Pick Axe might have been based on DriveMax Megazord's DriveMax Pick Axe.

All items (6)
