Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-kyuranger This article is about a/an list of arsenal in Power Rangers Universe.

This page lists all the weapons, devices, and vehicles used by the Star Battleforce Rangers. Below is the inventory, which also reflects on the Universe series page as well as the team page of the Star Battleforce Rangers.

Morphing Devices[]


Seiza Blaster


Main article: Uni-Controller

The Uni-Controller is the gauntlet transformation device for the main nine Star Battleforce Rangers and Ranger Series Ursa which doubles as a blaster.

Drago Command Staff[]

Main article: Drago Command Staff

The Drago Command Staff is the staff transformation device for the Ranger Series Drago. It could be also used by Ranger Series Orion.

Phoenix Saber & Shield[]

Main article: Phoenix Saber & Shield
Houou Sword & Shield

Phoenix Saber & Shield

The Phoenix Saber & Shield is the transformation device and weapon of the Ranger Series Phoenix. It could be also used by the Ranger Series Orion.

Arkeyan Controller[]

Multi-Use Devices[]

Sector Keys[]

USK-Kyutama 01

Leo Sector Key

Main article: Sector Keys

The Sector Keys are the collectibles of the Star Battleforce Rangers. They are items of legend sought out by the Star Battleforce that embody the first eighty-eight constellations, along with some other cosmic symbols. They are used for transformation, summoning, weaponry, and buffs.

Individual Weapons and Team Weapon[]

Universal Weaponization System[]

Kyuza Weapon Parts

The 3 main parts of the U.W.S.

The Universal Weaponization System (U.W.S.) is the main weapon of the Star Battleforce Rangers. Comprised of three components (the handle with a folding shaft/blade, the dagger-like upper blade, and the axe-like lower blade), the U.W.S. is able to assume nine different forms through its different combinations. While each Ranger has their preferred form, they can use any of the combinations as the situation demands. The Orion Ranger can use all individual combinations at once.

The group finisher is the All-Star Impact Strike.

When a ranger attacks alongside Ranger Series Phoenix, it's called the Blazing Impact Double Strike.


Kyu Sword


The Uni-Saber is Ranger Series Red's main weapon, formed by attaching all three components together. 

In his first battle, the Ranger Series Gold attempted to use the Uni-Saber but found that its weight didn't suit her fighting style. 

Its finisher is the Leo Impact Slash, which can be performed as either a powerful slash attack or a massive energy blade flung at the opponent. 

With the Horsie Sphere equipped, the finisher is called All-Star Impact Horsie Strike, where Ranger Series Red performs a powerful slash attack accompanied by four other Star Battleforce Rangers using their Uni-Controllers.


Kyu Spear


The Uni-Spear is Ranger Series Orange's main weapon, formed by attaching the upper blade directly to the handle & extending the narrow blade from the bottom of the handle.

Ranger Series Aqua also uses his own Uni-Spear as a reward for completing his training.

Its finisher is the Scorpio Impact Sting, a powerful slash attack. 


Kyu Claw


The Uni-Claw is the Ranger Series Blue's main weapon, formed by folding the lower blade portion & attaching it to the barrel portion of the handle.

Its finisher is the Lupus Impact Scratch, a powerful slash attack.


Kyu Crossbow


The Uni-Bowgun is the Ranger Series Gold's main weapon, formed by attaching the lower blade portion to the barrel portion of the handle.

Its finisher is the Libra Impact Barrage, a barrage of energy arrows.


Kyu Axe


The Uni-Axe is the Ranger Series Black's main weapon, formed by attaching the lower blade portion to the handle.

Its finisher is the Taurus Impact Toss. The Black Ranger flings a whirling energy blade from the Uni-Axe.


Kyu Sickle


The Star Scythe is the Ranger Series Silver's main weapon, formed by rotating the upper part of the upper blade, attaching it to the handle while extending the lower handle.

When Florian is brainwashed the Arkeyans and turned into His Magnificence's Most Loyal Ranger Series Metal, he wields a purple version of the Uni-Scythe named the Arkeyan Wrath Blade.

Its finisher is the Ophiuchi Impact Strike, a powerful slash attack.

As Ranger Series Metal, its finisher is the Metal Impact Strike.


Kyu Rapier


The Uni-Skewer is Ranger Series Green's main weapon, formed by reversing the position of the handle section and extending the secondary handle to act as a foil.

Its finisher is the Chameleon Impact Lash, where the blade transforms into a whip which Ranger Series Green can use to either bind or sting her enemies with.



The Uni-Sweeper is Ranger Series Pink's main weapon, formed using only the handle portion, which she can wield alongside her Uni-Controller for a double shoot attack. The Uni-Sweeper serves with a controller shot of the U.S.S. Destiny's bridge.

Its finisher is the Aquilla Impact Burst, A supercharged energy blast.



The Uni-Sweeper is Ranger Series Yellow's main weapon, formed by attaching the upper blade portion directly to the handle.

Its finisher is the Dorado Impact Slice, A quintet of energy blades that Ranger Series Yellow hurls at the enemy.

Other Devices[]

Universal Battle Belt[]

Ranger Lottery[]


Ranger Lottery

The Ranger Lottery is a device similar to a bingo tumbler used by Colonel Xiao Longbao to determine which combination of Star Battleforce Rangers are selected for a mission. Rolling the Star Battleforce Sector Key permits the whole team to disembark. Eleven's a Crowd


Transformation Devices[]

Multi-Use Devices[]

  • Sector Keys ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†

Individual Weapons and Team Weapon[]


  • Drago Jet Cycle ā—†

Other Devices[]

See Also[]

All items (6)
