Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-kingohgerThis article is about a/an list of arsenal in Power Rangers Insectors.

This page lists all the weapons, devices, and vehicles used by the Insect Rangers. Below is the inventory, which also reflects on the Insectors series page as well as the team page of the Insect Rangers.

Transformation Devices/Sidearms[]




Main article: Chryscalibur

The Chryscalibur is the main transformation device and sidearm of the Insect Rangers.

Chryscalibur Breaker[]

OSKO-OhgerCalibur ZERO

Chrysalis Breaker

Main article: Chryscalibur Breaker

The Chryscalibur Breaker is the main transformation device and sidearm of the Silver Stag Ranger.

Web Defender[]


Web Defender

Main article: Web Defender

The Web Defender is the main transformation device and sidearm of Aranea Knight.

Grandinsect Battler[]

OSKO-Ohger CrownLance

Grandinsect Battler

Main article: Grandinsect Battler

The Grandinsect Battler is a lance weapon used by Red Stag Ranger to power-up into Brave Stag Ranger and Silver Stag Ranger into Great King Ranger.

Multi-Use Devices[]


OSKO-Kumonos Keys


Main article: Spitokens

The Spitokens are the personal collectible items of Aranea Knight.

Individual Weapons[]

Sector Arms[]

OSKO-Kings Weapon

Sector Arms

The Sector Arms is a giant shield that the core Insect Rangers carry with them. It is normally used in Shield Mode, but in an emergency, it transforms into five different weapon forms on its own, incorporating the characteristics of insects:

  • Sword Mode: A mode that specializes in close-range combat that is made by transforming the blades to form together on the top. Primarily used by Red Stag Ranger.
  • Gun Mode: A mode specializing in medium-range shooting that is made by holding the upper part of the grip like a gun. Primarily used by Blue Dragonfly Ranger.
  • Sickle Mode: A mode usable for close-range combat or as a throwing weapon, made by transforming the blade on the left side horizontally. Primarily used by Yellow Mantis Ranger.
  • Bow Mode: A mode specializing in ultra-long-range shooting, which is made by transforming the blades on both sides. Primarily used by Lilac Butterfly Ranger.
  • Claw Mode: A mode that specializes in close-range combat, in which the blades on both sides are deformed horizontally. Primarily used by Black Hornet Ranger.
OSKO-Kings Weapon (Naginata Mode)

Glaive Mode

When combined in Sword Mode with the Chryscalibur, it becomes a seventh Glaive Mode, specializing in mid-range combat. Primarily used by Red Stag Ranger.

OSKO-Kings Weapon (Scythe Mode)

Scythe Mode

When combined in Sickle Mode with the Chryscalibur, it becomes an eighth Scythe Mode, similar to Glaive Mode. Primarily used by Yellow Mantis Ranger.


OSKO-Venomix Shooter


The Webshooter is an insecticide-themed gun that serves as the personal weapon of Aranea Knight. Its special attacks can take the form of real venom, or simply be illusions to trick Aranea Knight's opponents.


Stag Strider[]

OSKO-King Speeder

The Stag Strider is the personal hovercycle of Red Stag Ranger. It is stored inside Insect Swarm Megazord and can be dispatched from the head.

Other Devices[]

Royal Cellular[]

OSKO-Kings Hotline

Royal Cellular

The Royal Cellular is a special cellular-like device that all of the Insect Rangers have, functioning as their belt buckles and communicators.


OSKO-Kings Hotline & OhgerHolder


The Royalbuckle is a specialized holder for the Chryscaliburs that is clipped onto the side of the Insect Rangers' belts.

Spitoken Holder[]

OSKO-Kumonos Key Holder

Spitoken Holder

The Spitoken Holder is a specialized holder for the Kumonos Keys that is clipped onto the side of Aranea Knight's belt.


OSKO-Shugod Souls

The main five Insectonites.

Main article: Insectonites

The Insectonites are a set of amber-themed stones containing the souls of the Insectzords.


Transformation Devices/Sidearms[]

Multi-Use Devices[]

Individual Weapons[]

  • Sector Arms ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†
    • Shield Mode ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†ā—†
    • Sword Mode ā—†
    • Gun Mode ā—†
    • Sickle Mode ā—†
    • Bow Mode ā—†
    • Claw Mode ā—†
    • Glaive Mode ā—†
    • Alternate Combination - Scythe Mode ā—†
  • Webshooter ā—†


Other Devices[]

See Also[]

All items (7)
