Carpe Denim is the twenty-ninth episode of Power Rangers: Ocean Charge. It brings back a villain seen from Power Rangers in Space.
Necron decides to seek an old friend who can conjure a deceased monster from the Great Abyss. Going through history, Necron uses Weitz to bring back an old past bounty hunter to handle the rangers. Soon the Rangers find out they will face against the return of Darkonda. However, Darkonda doesn't take likely to be a summoned puppet and changes the game putting the rangers and Summer Cove right in the crosshairs.
Added later
Oceanic Rangers[]
Color | Role |
Shark | David Simmons |
Whale | Tyler Peterson |
Sea Turtle | Nathan Ross |
Manta Ray | Rachel Simpson |
Dolphin | Allison "Ali" Moore |
Tsunami Ranger[]
Color | Role |
Serpent | Jake Hampton |
- Gemini
- Alpha 8
- Zoey
- Max (doesn't appear)
- Necron
- Elyria
- Vortix
- Grantor (doesn't appear)
- Symbolites
- Arthrodrones
- Darkonda - An old acquaintance that helped Necron a long time ago.
- Weitz - A dark sage who has the ability to resurrect a monster from the Great Abyss (an astral realm where monsters that have fallen throughout the many galaxies roam in the after life). Weitz was used by Necron to resurrect Darkonda. defeated by the Super Sea Cannon
- First time Darkonda has appeared since Countdown of Destruction Part 1. It will be revealed Weitz gave him three new lives to spent.