Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

[[Category:Power Rangers Secret Agents (Felipexbox4)]]

The Burning Megazord is the third Megazord to appear on the series, being the Megazord of the Indigo and Orange Agent Rangers. The Fire Zord forms the main body, alongside the head, the Drill Zord forms the left arm and the Cement Zord forms the right arm, with their heads extending a little and opening, revealing black hands.

The Burning Megazord can combine with the 005 Megazord to into Spy Megazord.

The Megazord's finisher is the Volcanic Spin, in which it shoots cement with magma towards the enemy, who becomes concrete, then the drill spins with flames and it charges towards the enemy, piercing it with the drill.


Agent Drill Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Secret Agents (Felipexbox4)]]

The Agent Drill Zord is Sarah's Zord, being modelled after a drill tank. The Zord forms the left arm of the Burning Megazord and the left hand of the Spy Megazord.

Agent Cement Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Secret Agents (Felipexbox4)]]

The Agent Cement Zord is Tyler's Zord, being modelled after a cement truck. The Zord forms the right arm of the Burning Megazord and the right hand of the Spy Megazord.

Agent Fire Zord[]

[[Category: Power Rangers Secret Agents (Felipexbox4)]]

The Agent Fire Zord is an automatic Zord, being modelled after a firetruck. The Zord forms the main body of both the Burning and Spy Megazord, and the head of Burning Megazord.

Spy Megazord[]

The Spy Megazord is a combination between the 005 Megazord and the Burning Megazord. On the combination, the Fire Zord forms the main body, with the Truck Zord forming the waist and back, the Racer Zord forming the head and torso, the Jet Zord forming the right arm with the Cement Zord forming the right hand, the Marine Zord forming the left arm with the Drill Zord forming the left hand and the Cycle Zord forming the feet.

The Megazord's finisher is the Secret Slash, in which the Megazord's sword glow in the color of the 7 Rangers and it charges towards the enemy, slashing in a "+" format.

Alternative Combinations[]

Burning Jet Megazord[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Secret Agents (Felipexbox4)]]

The Agent Jet Zord can combine with the Burning Megazord to form Burning Jet Megazord, in which the Jet Zord becomes both arms, with the Drill and Cement Zords forming the hands on their respective places. The finisher is Sky Drill, in which the Megazord flies up and dives towards the enemy, spinning and becoming a flaming tornado, then it hits the enemy with the drill.

Burning Megazord Jet and Marine[]

[[Category:Power Rangers Secret Agents (Felipexbox4)]]

The Agent Jet and Marine Zords can combine with the Burning Megazord to form Burning Megazord Jet and Marine, in which the Jet Zord forming the right arm with the Cement Zord forming the right hand and the Marine Zord forming the left arm with the Drill Zord forming the left hand. The Finisher is Fourth Crush, in which its body glows in the color of the 4 Rangers and it charges towards the enemy, attacking it with four punches.


  • This is the third Megazord with a firetruck as its component, the first is was the Lightspeed Megazord, with one of its components being a firetruck, the Pyro Rescue 1, and the second is the Flash Point Megazord, with one of its components being a firetruck, the Fire Truck Zord.