Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

[[Category: Power Rangers Energy Chasers]]

Bugsy is the Robotic Defenders Jackrabbit of Sarah. Usada can often be overbearing towards Yoko like a father, which can lead to fights, but they quickly reconcile. Compared to the other Buddy Roids, Usada has the most confidence in Sarah's abilities.

Basically, he works on data management in the control room. He can combine with Helicopter Chasers Zord to change his helicopter mode or become a Jackrabbit.


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Protector Armors[]

Bugsy can combine with Yellow Chasers forming protective armor on their suits.


Yellow Chasers Powered Custom

As the Yellow Chasers use the EC visor, Bugsy's data is transferred and projected onto the Yellow Chasers suit to form power armor. Bugsy and Yellow Chasers, to some extent, are combined and can generate airborne force fields that Yellow Chasers can jump on. Yellow Chasers/Bugsy gains the "Jackrabbit Spin Strike" attack which is an overcharged projectile and/or drill attack.


  • He is the only Robotic Defenders with a human partner of the opposite gender.
  • He's the only one who does not have a suit actor.


  • Icon-gobusters Power Rangers Energy Chasers

See Also[]
