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Blue Saber Saga is the third episode of Power Rangers Space Pirates. It is the debut of the Legendary Mystic Dragon Zord and the Legendary Mystic Megazord. This episode is a tribute to Power Rangers Mystic Force, featuring the return of Chip Thorn (Yellow Mystic Ranger).


After being humiliated in battle by a master swordsman monster, Zion suffers a crisis of confidence and questions his worthiness as a Ranger.


At the Armada Mothership, a new Field Commander named Skatana introduces himself to Prince Vekar ā€‹ā€‹and swears loyalty to him. After being judged useless, Skatana demonstrated his ability to the prince using an apple which he managed to cut into several pieces. Finding this impressive, Argus assures him that this is only a taste of his abilities so Damaras sends him to Earth.

At school, Zion does some more research on the Legendary Rangers until Clare invites him to take a walk. He refused from the start however he finally accepted as the two left. They talk and laugh at their jokes until they see the damage caused by the Field Commander. Clare called Tensou, asking him to warn the others and then, with Zion, she left to fight the monster. That's when the rest of the crew arrives and morphs, defeating X Borgs in the process while Zion gets beaten up by Skatana. Following the arrival of the Rangers, he leaves while belittling Zion multiple times.

Meanwhile, Levira, Damaras and Argus compliment the monster upon seeing this feat, something Vekar ā€‹ā€‹did out of irony. An angry Zion demorphs, followed by the others. Ewan tries to calm him down but he becomes increasingly angry, thinking that he is just a blight on the team, which Jack disconfirms. This is how he leaves without warning.

At the mothership, Vekar ā€‹ā€‹complains that the monster with the fearsome blades did not beat the Rangers, but he fights back, saying that only his duel against Space Pirate Blue matters to him. But the prince is not of this opinion, thinking that it would be more impressive to defeat them all so Skatana assures him that he will do it after defeating the Blue Ranger. Jack searches for Zion all over the school but he can't find him anywhere. Crossing paths with Clare, he asks her if she saw him, also thinking that he was in the computer room. She remembers that he was really angry earlier because of this monster but Jake then reassures her that he had to train because Zion is a determined person. The bell rings, indicating that the students must then go to class.

In the woods, Zion prepares to perfect his fighting style. But then a magician began to watch him train before Zion told him. Seeing him injured, he quickly goes to his aid and uses a little of his magic to heal him. Zion then recognized him as Chip Thorn, the Yellow Ranger of the Mystic Rangers seen in the Ranger database, which he later confirmed. Having seen the whole fight, he asks him why is he putting so much pressure on himself. He then reveals to her that he had never been humiliated in this way and that it was the first time that he felt hurt in this way. Chip then tells him that he must find a way to defeat him but as a team, reminding him that he is not alone. But Zion counters by telling him that if he becomes better, his team will be even better and that is something he will have to accomplish alone. Chip, impressed, then sits on a rock and watches Zion continue his training.

The next day, Chip congratulated Zion for surpassing his limits. Before wishing him good luck and disappearing, he taught him one last combat technique in which Zion succeeded and then he left for his planned duel against the titular monster. He was preparing to fight Skatana and their duel began. However, he uses Bruisers to as Space Pirate Pink, knowing something was going to happen, arrives to his aid before the other Space Pirates Rangers arrive. After the others assume the forms of the Jungle Fury Rangers and the S.P.D. Rangers to take out the Bruisers, they give their Pirate Saber so Space Pirate Blue he can use a five-blade fighting style to defeat with his Ultimate Ranger Saber Strike.

Despite this attack, Skatana has still not been destroyed. The Space Pirates proceed, assuming the forms of the Mystic Rangers to fight him. Zion's determination face to Skatana enables them to perform the binding "Pirato Mystica" spell to hold the Field Commander at bay while they use the Mystic Rangers' signature final attacks to defeat the monster along with their own Pirate Blast attack. When Skatana and the Bruisers enlarge, the Mystic Rangers Keys react to the situation, unlocking their Zaferia Stone. Using them, the Space Pirates Rangers summon the Legendary Mystic Dragon Zord, what Jack finds incredible, from within the Legendary Megazord, turning the Megazord into the Legendary Mystic Megazord to ground Skatana, performing the Ancient Power Mystic Spell Seal finishing attack to destroy him.

Following this fight, Clare still can't believe the beauty of their new Zord, commenting on how cute it was, and Julia, for her part, can't believe that they have access to it. Looking at his Blue Mystic Ranger Key, Zion remembers what Chip told him and teaches him until Jack arrives to congratulate him. Zion never thought he could defeat him, but Ewan reassures him that he has become a true pirate who will never give up. Zion would like to thank them all for believing in him and learning from his eldest that with friends and motivation they can achieve anything. While the others leave, Chip miraculously appears behind Zion telling him that thanks to him his team has become stronger. Before he disappears, Zion thanks him and says a final goodbye before finally leaving to join his friends.


Legendary Ranger Modes[]

Ultimate Ranger Saber Strike[]

"Well done, Zion. You can now activate these Legendary Blue Ranger Keys for a final strike."
ā€•Gosei granting Zion the keys for his finishing attack.
Blue Ranger Key Summon

Ranger Keys for the Ultimate Final Strike

Zion summons five Blue Ranger powers, all controlling the element of Water, for his one-man Ultimate Ranger Saber Strike. Once the Keys are activated, the Sabers shine in energetic water, summoning the spirits of these Rangers (in order):

After the five Blue Rangers finish, Zion comes in for the sixth and final attack.

Elements/Homages to Mystic Force[]

  • The Space Pirate Rangers perform the Mystic Rangers morphing sequence.
  • The Field Commander being a fire-based villain hints at the concept of one of the major villains of Mystic Force being Koragg The Dark Wolf, who in actuality was the fire-manipulating Red Mystic Warrior.
  • The Space Pirates Rangers receiving Legendary Mystic Dragon Zord happens in the third episode, which is the same equivalent Mystic Force episode where the Mystic Dragon Zord is first formed.
  • Like most spells used by the Mystic Rangers, "Pirato Mystica" comes from Latin, with only the "e" at the end of Pirate changed to an "o".


  • This is the last appearance of
    • Space Pirate Red Ranger's S.P.D. Red Ranger form.
    • Space Pirate Yellow Ranger's S.P.D. Yellow Ranger form.
  • A new fleet of the Armada's ships appear in this episode, after the Space Pirates Rangers had destroyed the first fleet in the previously episode. It is heavily implied that Vekar called for reinforcements.
  • Last season's third episode was also a Blue Ranger focus episode.
  • Skatana was digitally inserted in Salamandam's place during his battle against the Space Pirates Rangers as the Mystic Rangers.

See Also[]
