Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

"The cutting edge! Sapphire Blue!"
ā€•Power Rangers: Jewel Machines

"The dashing edge! Ranger Winger!"
ā€•Jewelzord Winger's roll call while in Blaine's body[src]

Blaine Moore is a professional actor and the most popular actor in this area. He is also the Sapphire Blue Ranger of the Jewel Machine Rangers.




Blaine is a popular movie star, mostly due to his roles as a quiet, noble warrior, which he has gotten so often that it eventually became his main persona. He acts calm, quiet, and serious all the time and rarely lets any other emotion slip out. Due to this he seems very devoid of any actual emotion compared to the rest of his team as a result of some light teasing.

Despite this, his serious persona is nothing but an act that he puts on in order to look cool and allow no one to see his more vulnerable side. Although this has been fading away the more he spends with his team, but it's still there in his casual life and he barely lets it slip. He is shown to be very gentlemanly and is incredibly skilled in swordsmanship.

Due to his reputation as a popular movie star, he is shown to be quite the ladies' man, easily impressing women with his quiet persona. He is also a great detective, picking up on clues that other people miss and easily piecing them together.


  • Swordsmanship

Blaine is shown to be very skilled with a sword, due to his many sword-related roles in movies. He has taken up fencing to continue his persona as a noble warrior.

Sapphire Blue Ranger[]


Blaine as the Blue Ranger

"(Rock music) Sparkle, Rangers! Sparkle!"
ā€•Transformation sound[src]

Using the Jewel Morpher, Blaine can access his Sapphire Blue Ranger form by pressing on the red button that symbolizes a Power Ranger helmet and then spins the "tire" to transform into his Sapphire Ranger form. In this form he has access to individual weapons and Zords that he can use in battle against Jothunheim and their Marksmen.




  • Shining Sapphire Slash: Sapphire Blue charges the Sparkling Edge and slashes with Winger's power and his own.

Go Kiramai Blue

Dazzling Phoenix Blue

"(Rock music) Dazzling Phoenix! Graceful!"
ā€•Transformation announcement via Graceful Arrow[src]

Using the Graceful Arrow, Blaine and/or his teammates can access this powerful Dazzling Phoenix form by pressing on the red button that symbolizes a Dazzling Phoenix form and then fires the arrow to transform into his Dazzling Phoenix form. In this form he has access to the Graceful Arrow and a Zord that he can use in battle against Jothunheim and their Marksmen. However, this form can only last about 100 seconds (1 minute and 40 seconds) for the remainder of their time in battle.



  • Graceful Phoenix Megazord


Dazzling Edge: Dazzling Phoenix Sapphire Blue fires a charged shot from the Graceful Arrow. It is so powerful that it can pierce through multiple trees before impaling and destroying the enemy.


  • Blaine is the third Blue Ranger to have a Jet-themed Zord, after Dax Lo and Noah Carver.
  • Another similarity with Dax is that he's the second Blue Ranger to be a movie star. (Albeit he's an actor while Dax was a stuntman.)
  • Blaine is the only Ranger to not have a center chestpiece form of his Dazzling Phoenix armor.

See Also:[]
