Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

"It's time for mollecular transmutation! Triceratops!"
―One of Billy's roll calls.[src]

"Jason! That blow didn't even faze him!"
―Billy's most infamous line after the Megazord punched Goldar down in spite of the line not syncing up with the action.[src]

William "Billy" Cranston is the first Blue Ranger of the Mighty Morphin Rangers in the 'Saban era', during "Switching Places", Billy accidentally switch bodies with Kimberly Ann Hart becoming (temporary) the Pink Ranger.

Retroactively, he is also referred to as the Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger or Blue Mighty Morphin Ranger, though these are terms of address referencing the show as opposed to proper labels.

During Power Rangers Zeo, Billy served as the technical expert helping from the Power Chamber the Zeo Rangers against the Machine Empire, he leaves Earth to spend time with his girlfriend, living now on Aquitar with Cestria.

Until his departure, he was considered the brains of the Power Rangers team, creating many gadgets with which to solve problems that not even Zordon foresaw, and even invented the first team's wrist-worn communication devices (it is believed, though not proven, that he created every other communicator up until his departure from the show).

Many years later, during the events of Power Rangers Beast Morphers, Billy responded to his old teammate Jason's signal and forms part of the Legendary Dino Rangers army against Goldar Maximus and his Army of Foot Soldiers.

Two years later, Billy tried to bring back Zordon but unintentionally brought back Rita Repulsa who gained a robotic body after taking over Alpha 8’s body. Billy followed Rita and ended up fighting her and a gang of Putty Patrollers, eventually he sent a distress call which was answered by his former Team but the fight ended in tragedy when Trini Kwan was killed by Rita.

One year later, on the anniversary of Trini’s death, Selena returned and captured Tommy Oliver. Billy was able to escape capture along with Kimberly Ann Hart, Zack Taylor and Trini’s daughter, Minh. Back at the new Command Center, Alpha 9 activated Bandora Protocol, and with the help of Zack, Minh (who had become to new Mighty Morphin Yellow Ranger), Jason Lee Scott and Kimberly and her daughter, Olivia (who had become to new Mighty Morphin Green Ranger and team leader), Billy was able to fix his past mistake and avenge his fallen friend.

Months later, Billy joined the Cosmic Fury Rangers to fight the new threat of his old enemy, Lord Zedd, and his alliance with Squid Ink Inc., who sought to eradicate good from the universe. Billy assists Solon in mentorship responsibilities for the Rangers, and along with several Rangers, Billy helped the team eliminate the enemy fleet. After their victory, Billy learned from Aiyon that he had encountered Zordon, which affirms his resolve.


Early Life[]

In his youth, he was good friends with Eugene 'Skull' Skullovich, though the friendship eventually soured and became more antagonistic. He is a frequent target of Bulk and Skull's bullying.

Mighty Morphin[]

Becoming a Ranger[]

Billy was one of the five "teenagers with attitude" selected by Zordon to become the original Power Rangers, along with close friends Jason Lee Scott, Zack Taylor, Trini Kwan, and Kimberly Ann Hart. Billy became the Blue Mighty Morphin Power Ranger due to his intelligence and patience. He was given both the Triceratops Power Coin and the Triceratops Dinozord.

Billy began the series as the stereotypical "nerd," speaking almost exclusively in technobabble throughout the series. His closest friend throughout the series was Trini, to whom he could communicate most comfortably and effectively. He was initially very insecure about himself, making him an easy target for people like Bulk and Skull, who tormented him often in the beginning. The other Rangers, especially Trini, defended him loyally, and Billy later evolved to become a stronger individual. He was one of the top members of Angel Grove High's science club and often helped its younger members with their experiments. One such person was Willy, a young boy who he helped to create a virtual reality simulator for a Science Fair. In the episode "High Five", Billy not only created the communicators, but also the interface that allowed the devices remote access to the Command Center's teleportation unit.

It was revealed that Billy was bitten by a fish in his youth during an experiment involving whirlpools, causing him to develop icthyophobia: fear of fish. This fear would persist well into his teens and Rita would use a spell to exacerbate this fear. When he was the last remaining Ranger able to contend with the Goo Fish monster, Billy overcame the spell, freeing his friends and helping tob defeat the monster. He later completely overcame the fear while on a fishing trip with Ernie, the owner of the Youth Center.

It was revealed that Billy was bitten by a fish in his youth during an experiment involving whirlpools, causing him to develop icthyophobia: fear of fish. This fear would persist well into his teens and Rita would use a spell to exacerbate this fear. When he was the last remaining Ranger able to contend with the Goo Fish monster, Billy overcame the spell, freeing his friends and helping tob defeat the monster. He later completely overcame the fear while on a fishing trip with Ernie, the owner of the Youth Center.

Each of Billy's teammates had a unique skill to offer the team and, in Billy's case, it was his vast intelligence. He sought out to improve himself physically, and the audience would see him transform over time from the suspenders-wearing "brain" to a confident, hyper-intelligent athlete with appreciable fighting skills, thanks in great part to Trini's Uncle Howard, Jason, and later Tommy, helped graduate Billy to the red belt level in karate. Billy and his friends in the form of Power Rangers defeat Korruptor using Dino Megazord.

Billy's intelligence would help the Rangers save the world on many occasions. When the Command Center was damaged, Zordon lost and Alpha incapacitated, it was his invention, the RADBUG that allowed the Rangers to travel to the Command Center. As a Ranger, he had a wide array of accomplishments, including creating the method by which the Ranger's would initially infiltrate Rita's Dark Dimension to disarming the lock-out mechanism for Alpha's activated self-destruct. Though Billy did manage to attract girls earlier in his "nerd-like" persona, it was after he began his journey toward self-improvement that he would garner more attention from romantic interests, to the point of getting more than the other members of the team.

Billy was accepted into the Young Scientists of America program. He befriended Zack's cousin Curtis when he became the newest student at Angel Grove High. Curtis' musical interests, particularly his interest in and skill at playing the trumpet, sparked Billy's intrigue in the rhythmic patterns of jazz music.

Alien Rangers[]

The Rangers were de-aged by a time-reversal spell performed by Rita Repulsa's father, Master Vile. Billy devised a plan to restore the Rangers' proper ages using a machine that ran off of the Power Coins. Billy restored himself, but Goldar stole the machine, and Zedd and Rita destroyed all six Coins.

With his Wolf Ninja Coin destroyed and his Triceratops Power Coin damaged beyond use, Billy's role changed. He no longer fought as a Power Ranger, and did not join the remaining active Rangers in their search for the Zeo Crystals and acted solely in an advisory and supporting role, serving as a liaison between the Aquitar Rangers during this period.

Saban's Masked Rider[]

When Dex StewartIcon-crosswiki says about to truthful friendships to Hal StewartIcon-crosswiki and Barbara StewartIcon-crosswiki, he specifically not ones based on what the other person wants to hear. This reminds him of his Edenoite friends, whom he misses, seeing in a flashback is Billy and the other Mighty Morphin Power Rangers at the moment when they meet Dex and the other Inhabitants of Edenoi.


Billy officially retired from active Ranger service, allowing Tanya Sloan to take his place as an active Ranger in the field. He continued in the support role he had adopted during the Aquitian Rangers' time on Earth, assisting Zordon Alpha 5 with tasks in the Power Chamber and creating and maintaining most of the weaponry, gadgets, and Zords the Zeo Rangers would use. He traveled briefly to Aquitar to assist the Aquitian Rangers in battling with a race of aliens called the Hydro Contaminators. To do so, he completed a prototype device that Cestro started to defeat them. Upon his return, his ship was diverted by King Mondo to fly straight into the sun. From the Power Chamber, Zordon, Alpha 5, and the Rangers were able to rescue hi

Before Trey of Triforia was revealed to be the identity of the Gold Ranger, several red herrings mislead the viewers into believing that the Gold Ranger was Billy. When Rocky confronted him with this theory, he assured the team that he would never have kept such a secret from them, and had simply been busy working on a never-specified project. When Trey returned to Triforia on sabbatical to try to unify his three selves, Billy was selected to assume Gold Ranger's powers. However, the "negative proton energy" that his body had absorbed in the Command Center's explosion prevented him from taking the powers. Instead, Jason, the former Red Ranger (who, being nowhere near the Command Center at the time of its explosion, was a safe choice), received the powers.

Billy was last seen to be suffering from accelerated aging because the regenerator he used to restore his proper age had a side effect. To counter this, he traveled to Aquitar for a cure from their Eternal Falls (analogous to the Fountain of Youth), and opted to remain there with Cestria, a female Aquitian with whom he had fallen in love.

Dino Thunder[]

Billy was featured in a chronicle of Power Ranger history compiled by Tommy Oliver shortly after he formed the Dino Rangers, which was found by the nascent Ranger team in the Dino Lab. Legacy of Power

Billy appeared in the picture of the old MMPR team that Dr. Tommy Oliver had with him as a memento of the past during the time when he returned as the Green Ranger again. Kira Ford found the image while helping Tommy. Bully for Ethan

Wedding Vows[]

Year later, Billy arrived at the wedding with David Truheart as Tommy's best men, and Jason, Zack, Kimberly, Trini and Rocky watching. Tommy cites his vows to Katherine and they finally get married.


Billy along with the other Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and other Ranger teams are seen in Troy's premonition about the Legendary Battle. Mega Mission

He and the other Rangers are seen again in another of Troy's dream/vision about the Legendary Battle. Stranger Ranger

Mighty Morphin (Super Megaforce)

Billy returning alongside his fellow Rangers.

Tommy gathered all the existing Power Rangers, Jason returned with his original Mighty Morphin team as part of the army of Legendary Rangers led by Tommy that helped the Mega Rangers defeat the Armada once and for all, fighting in a huge battle against hundreds of X Borgs and dozens of Bruisers. After the demise of the X Borgs, Tommy shook hands with Troy and teleported off along with Billy and the Legendary Rangers. He possibly returns to Aquitar. End Game

Beast Morphers[]

Billy was shown in archive footage along with the other Mighty Morphin Power Rangers in Scrozzle's database when the villains were looking for a past villain to revive with the Reanimizer and came across Goldar. Evox believes that Goldar is the perfect one. After seeing footage of Goldar overpowering the Mighty Morphin Rangers in the Megazord, the other villains are quick to agree with Evox. Making Bad

Mighty Morphin BM

Billy with the other Mighty Morphin Power Rangers come to help.

Billy responded to Jason's signal and returned alongside his fellow Mighty Morphin Rangers as part of the Legendary Dino Rangers army. Billy along with the other Dino Ranger teams fight against Goldar, Snide, Robo Blaze, Robo Roxy, and his several foot soldiers. When the battle seemed won, the Legendary Dino Rangers combine all their weapons into the Dino Power Ultra Blaster and manage to destroy Goldar Maximus.

File:Super Sentai (Dinosaur Teams).png

Billy with the Legendary Dino Rangers.

Evox arrives and says that the real fight begins now. Billy witness seeing how Evox is using the geode to summon his newest Zord, the Chimera Zord, he and the other Dino Rangers are attacked by the evil Zord. The Legendary Dino Rangers summon their respective Zords. All three Megazords try to fight against the Chimera Zord, but it proves to be too powerful for them, Devon manages to summon the Beast-X King Zord and join in the fight. Devon and the Dino Charge Rangers combine their Zords into the Dino Charge Megazord Beast-X King Formation. With the combined might of all three Megazords, the Ranger teams combine their blasts into one powerful energy beam, destroying the Chimera Zord as Evox retreats.

With the fight over, the Ranger teams regroup in the quarry, with the Dino Charge Rangers regaining their Energems and Keeper regaining his staff. Zoey is confident they can handle him before thanking everybody for their help. Afterwards, the Mighty Morphin and Dino Thunder Rangers return to their dimension, he probably once again returned to Aquitar. Grid Connection

Cosmic Fury[]

Solon retaliate to Ollie Akana about Lord Zedd, while she investigates the Legendary Ranger Database Mick gave them. Looking through the files, they see Lord Zedd's history as the Emperor of Evil and his countless fights against the Mighty Morphin angers. Billy is seen briefly when Lord Zedd use the Rock of Time to turn the Rangers into children. Old Foes
Zayto brings up how different Ranger teams had motorcycles for transportation, showing Aiyon and Solon the Mighty Morphin Rangers' Shark Cycles and the Wild Force Rangers' Savage Cycles. Solon does not see the need for a motorcycle as the Dino Fury Rangers can already teleport. The Festival

Zayto activates the Legendary Ranger Database, showing Master Blue that Master Green came to them after the Dinohenge statues were destroyed and restored them to normal. Also, Zayto says that he found Ranger teams who were saved in their darkest moments through unexplained reasons and shows them three specific moments. Including the Legendary Battle where all the Legendary Rangers including Billy and the other Mighty Morphin Power Rangers coming to the aid of the Megaforce Rangers in the Legendary Battle and helping them defeat an entire army of the Armada's X Borgs. Morphin Master

After resolving the Robo-Rita conflict, Billy sets out into space and meets Mick Kanic before they head to Zordnia to find the legendary Cosmic Zords, only to be attack by Bajillia Naire of Squid Ink Inc., who had broken Lord Zedd out of his crystal prison before the Morphin Masters resurrect and send Zayto to bring his Dino Fury Rangers to assist them.

Once they arrive to assist in the battle, Lord Zedd sends out Doodrip to brainwash them, only to succeed with fellow Blue Ranger, Ollie Akana. As they continue, Scrozzle absorbs the Morphin Masters into a machine with Master Red giving Javi Garcia his staff, which leads them to Billy and Mick's objective. When the possessed Ollie attacked, Javi inserted the staff into the altar, releasing the Cosmic Zords, at the cost of his right arm before Billy had Mick take Javi away from the battlefield. Lightning Strikes

After returning to base, Billy attempts to console Javi by building him a cybernetic arm along with Solon before helping the others in attempting to use the Morphin Grid's energy to revitalize Ollie, until they're forced to retreat when Zedd destroyed the Dinohenge statues, sans the Triceratops one, to cut off the Dino Fury Rangers' power and teleported the whole base to Erridus, inadvertently bringing a stowed away Fern along.Beyond Repair

While everyone was busy gathering supplies, making repairs and cleaning up, Billy locked himself away in order to make new powers, using Master Red's staff and the Dino Keys before eventually recreating six morphers for the Rangers to become Dino Fury Rangers again, even reassuring Amelia that the Morphin Grid assigned her as Red Ranger because of her devotion and keeping the team together.Off Grid

Once & Always[]

In the years since, Billy founded Cranston Technologies and secretly built a new Command Center in the basement of the company headquarters for the sole purpose of reviving Zordon. While he and Alpha 8 were successful in finding particles scattered by the Z-Wave, they were in reality Rita Repulsa's, who gathered inside Alpha 8's body and created Robo-Rita. Billy lured Robo-Rita outside and fought her with the other Rangers, but at the cost of Trini's life.

Soul of the Dragon[]

"Is it one of Cranston's or maybe Fairweather?"
―Anara speculated who created the Master Morpher[src]

Tommy waxes nostalgic at his house whilst looking at a picture of himself and the original five Mighty Morphin Power Rangers including Billy.

When Anara sees the Master Morpher, she speculated by mentioning that either Billy Cranston or Angela Fairweather might be responsible for building the Master Morpher.

When Tommy lament about Finster's death, he takes the picture of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers including Billy.


Initially shy and insecure, Billy was still a highly intelligent individual that was always eager to learn, this resulted in Billy often speaking in what could only be described as technical jargon during his teenage years, talking with a more scientific terminology even in the most casual conversations, with only his friend Trini being able to understand him most of the time. During his time as a Blue Ranger, Billy slowly grew more confident and sought out to improve himself physically. One major example of his improvement was that he was able to overcome his ichthyophobia, going from being afraid of eating a fish to fighting a giant toxic fish monster, which allowed him to later go on a fishing trip with Ernie.

Billy assumed the role of leader of the team after the rest of his friends were de-aged by a time-reversal spell, this lead to him interacting with the Alien Rangers and discovering that he could still be very useful even if he wasn't a Ranger. This revelation led Billy to step out of his role as a Ranger officially after his team was given the Zeo Powers, letting Tanya take his spot and becoming a full-time technical advisor. After he needed to heal from accelerated aging at Aquitar, Billy fell in love with Cestria and decided to stay at the alien planet with her, officially leaving the team.

Years later, Billy blamed himself for the death of his friend Trini after he accidentally resurrected Rita Repulsa, which lead to him being protective of Minh, Trini's daughter, forbidding her from joining them in the fight against Rita, but he eventually agreed to let her become the next Yellow Ranger. He also pushed Zack to tell Minh the truth about Trini's death and their identities as Rangers.

Body Swapped[]

  • Billy and Kimberly body swapped, when they test the mind reading machine (after Squatt tamper with it), Billy temporarily becomes Kimberly/Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger. Later, with the mind reading machine fixed, Kimberly and Billy return to their normal selves. Switching Places




Ranger Costume

As the Blue Ranger of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Also retroactively known as Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger or Blue Mighty Morphin Ranger (unofficial titles).

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: MMPR Episodes 1-15, 17-70; AA Episodes 1-4, 6-15, 18, 20-24, 26-33; M Episodes 45; BM Episode 37; O&A; DF Episodes 1-2, 6-8, 10


Pink Ranger Costume

In the episode Switching Places, Billy & Kimberly switch bodies.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: MMPR Episode 16







Evil Space Aliens[]

Machine Empire[]
Mesogog's Army[]
Sledge's Crew[]
Evox Virus Army[]
Squid Ink Inc.[]


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Behind The Scenes[]


  • Billy Cranston is portrayed by David Yost in both the unaired pilot and the series. His final appearance as Billy was in the second part of the two part episode "King for a Day". The identity of the actor who played elderly Billy in the two part episode "Rangers of Two Worlds" was the late William Frederick Knight, and the identity of the voice actor who delivered his goodbye message in the part II of that episode is unknown since only Yost was credited despite his absence.
  • As the Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger, his suit actors were David Wald, Hien Nguyen, and Danny Wayne Stallcup. (And Shoji Hachisuka (蜂須賀 昭二 Hachisuka Shoji?) in Super Sentai footage from Zyuranger).
  • When Billy and Kimberly switched bodies in "Switching Places", Billy was portrayed by Amy Jo Johnson.
  • Billy's departure remains the most controversial exit in the show's history. Yost last played Billy in the episode "King for a Day" before leaving under suspicious circumstances with an unknown actor playing him in "Rangers of Two Worlds" and an uncredited voice actor doing his voice during his goodbye message. However, the more commonly accepted explanation is that Yost left as a result of homophobic remarks allegedly made by the behind-the-scenes crew (Yost being openly gay), with the explanation from Saban being thought of as sugar coating.


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Legendary Ranger Devices[]

File:TriceraRanger Ranger Key.jpg

The Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger Key.

The Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger Key is Billy's personal Ranger Key. This key along with the majority of the Core Ranger Keys are seen lining the Command Center's interior walls. This key is mainly used by Noah Carver (Super Megaforce Blue) who uses it to fight as Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger.


  • In Dino Fury, Billy becomes the first Blue Ranger to serve as the team's mentor. He is also the second Mighty Morphin Ranger be a mentor. The first was his old teammate Tommy Oliver.
  • Billy is the first Ranger to be promoted as a leader while being the Blue Ranger.
  • Billy received a tribute in the credits of Rangers of Two Worlds, Part II.
  • Billy is the only Ranger to keep a single power for three seasons without giving it away or switching colors, and the only original Ranger to not be replaced, as he stepped down from his position at the start of Zeo.
  • Billy is the only Ranger to retire from being a Ranger, but not immediately leave the show.
  • Because of the absence of Yost, stock footage of Billy was used for his departure and his character was voiced by someone else. He was also the last of the original Power Ranger team to leave the show. Also of note is that backstage, David Yost left the show on bad terms, causing the writers to change the Turbo movie's plot so that the Rangers created the Turbo powers themselves with Alpha 5's assistance rather than by Billy himself.
  • David Yost's departure from Power Rangers occurred as a result of drama behind the scenes. Yost, at the time struggling with his homosexuality, was frequently harassed and insulted by the show staff. Unable to reconcile, Yost left the show and was written off without involvement in filming the episodes that would remove Billy for good.
  • According to IMDb, Walter Jones was originally cast as Billy. However, when he auditioned, he said he thought he would be more recognizable as the Black Ranger, so he was re-cast.
  • Billy frequently dressed in clothing that was oversized or otherwise baggy or frumpy, in an effort to cover David Yost's well-defined physique due to him being a gymnast (as he was supposed to be a nerd, and thus not entirely athletic).
  • During the 2010 reboot of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, a toy version of Billy was seen with the Dragon Shield, though Billy never wore Tommy's Dragon Shield in the show.
  • It is said that actor Bryan Cranston was the inspiration for Billy's last name.[1] However, the name was also used in the Power Rangers Bio-Man.
  • When asked what he'd do for the Phantom Ranger's identity if he had the chance, Lynn said he'd make him Bill and explain that his "man made" Phantom powers were limited (as a way of explaining his limited appearances); Billy would have created Ecliptor as a failed Robot Ranger experiment "and in order to correct that mistake he created the Phantom Ranger powers". [2]
  • In the Bio-Man, his name was shared with the counterpart to Blue3, and rather than super-intelligent, he was a "heartthrob with a body of steel".
  • Billy is a playable character in Power Rangers Legacy Wars.
  • Despite rumors that Billy was originally meant to be the Gold Ranger, David Yost has since confirmed that there were no plans for this.[3]
  • Billy's birthday was given as April 1, making him an Aries.
  • Billy's birthplace was given as Chicago, Illinois.
  • Billy said he tried to use his mind over muscle in his normal state, and even when fighting Putties, he would try to outsmart them to make them injure or defeat themselves; if he had to get physical, he would do it only as a last resort.
  • Over the course of the series, Billy has advanced through the ranks as a martial artist under the tutelage of his fellow Rangers – he was a brand-new white belt taking his first karate class in "Day of the Dumpster" immediately prior to becoming the Blue Ranger; was promoted to yellow belt in "Dark Warrior"; Later, he was a red belt, and after, he had become a 1st degree black belt.


See Also[]
