Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
MM Ranger Blue
Series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Power Rangers Zeo
Title(s) Blue Ranger
Color(s) Blue
First appearance Day of the Dumpster Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 1
Last appearance Rangers of Two WorldsPower Rangers Zeo
Status Retired
Homeworld Earth
Zords Triceratops Dinozord, Unicorn Thunderzord, Wolf Ninjazord, Blue Shogunzord
Played by

David Yost (teenager and adult)

Justin Timsit (child)

Billy Cranston is the Blue Mighty Morphin' Ranger. He is the third longest-serving Ranger overall behind Tommy Oliver and Adam Park. Until his departure, he was considered the brains of the Power Rangers team, creating many gadgets with which to solve problems that not even Zordon foresaw, and even invented the first team's wrist-worn communication devices.


Blue Mighty Thunder Ranger
