[[Category:Power Rangers Operation Deep Sea]]
The Battalion CarrierZordis Jerico King's zord. It resembles the ship he was on when it was atacked by the Sea Worm Mega Beast. Along with Treasure Ship Megazord, it forms Battleship Ultrazord.
Warrior Mode[]
The Megazord comes with a crane with a wrecking ball attachment for its right arm. The control tower comes off to become the left arm, which is a runway/saw blade hybrid. Jerico uses the control tower for the cockpit.
Battleship Ultrazord[]
- The Patrol and Chaser zords become the feet
- The left arm is replaced by the Submarine Zord
- The Buccaneer and Cutter zords attach to the back, with the tower of cutter attaching to the Sub zord's scope to form a hand, bucaneer's sail becomes helmet
- It is based off Daidenzin and Mega Winger from the undapted Denziman and Megaranger/Power Rangers in Space respectively
- Despite being called a carrier zord, it doesn't store any ranger-specific vehicles