Bajillia Naire was the chairwoman and CEO of Squid Ink, Inc. and a major antagonist of Power Rangers Cosmic Fury. She and her daughter Squillia Naire freed Lord Zedd as part of a plot to profit from a massive intergalactic war. While feigning their alliance, Bajillia made numerous plans against the Cosmic Fury Rangers for Zedd until her eventual betrayal along with Scrozzle to spread Zedd's evil in the universe and eliminate all the good, however, she ended up being destroyed by the Ultimate Cosmic Fury Ultrazord's final attack.
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Bajillia Naire was an opportunistic warmonger who cared more about the profitability of her company than the lives of others. In fact, when her own daughter was held captive, Bajillia wasn't concerned about her safety at all, instead focusing on how this would affect the company's public image. additionally, while Bajillia initially swore loyalty to Lord Zedd, this was merely an act as part of her plan to sacrifice him to create a wave similar to the one created by Zordon, only with the reverse effect of wiping out all good in the universe, since Bajillia believed this would be a good opportunity for the company. Overall, Bajillia was a purely selfish individual who cared for no one but herself.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Teleportation: Bajillia can teleport at will.
- Body Modification: Bajillia can modify parts of her body, such as changing her arms into tentacles.
- Regeneration and Reformation: Bajillia can regenerate and reform her body as long as a small part of her remains.
- Holographic Form: Bajillia Naire can appear as a hologram.
- Strength: Bajillia was strong enough to break Squillia's Sleepy-Cuffs with her tentacle arm.
- Reflexes: Bajillia has great reflexes to avoid her opponents' attacks.
- Zentinels Summoning: Bajillia can summon Zentinels to assist her in battle.
- Extraordinary Leaper": Bajillia can leap at incredible distances.
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- Smartphone: Bajillia carries a smartphone to call in any of her minions.
- Squidrills: Bajillia has multiple Squidrills at her disposal.
- Tentacle Arms: Bajillia can turn her arms into tentacles which she can extend at great lengths and grab opponents.
- Gold Laser Gun: Bajillia sometimes carries a laser gun made of gold to fire purple lasers at opponents.
Squid Ink Inc.[]
- Doodrip
- Inkworth
- Squillia Naire - Daughter
- Cosmic Fury Rangers
- Marvin Shih/Cosmic Fury Red Ranger
- Fern/Cosmic Fury Orange Ranger
- Eddie Banks/Cosmic Fury Blue Ranger
- Ultrataur/Cosmic Fury Black Ranger
- Blaze/Cosmic Fury Silver Ranger
- Roxy Collins/Cosmic Fury Green Ranger
- Chloe Ashford/Cosmic Fury Pink Ranger
- Jack Thomas/Cosmic Fury Yellow Ranger
- Commander Drago/Cosmic Fury Purple Ranger
- Alpha 9/Cosmic Fury Aqua Ranger
- Joe Shih/Cosmic Fury Quantum Ranger
- Mighty Morphin Rangers
- Ninja Steel Rangers
- SPD Rangers
- Dino Charge Rangers
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Behind the Scenes[]
- Bajillia Naire is voiced by Amanda Billing.
- Her design is based on the gigantic octopus and "octopus-like Martians".
- Being a presumably wealthy warmonger, Bajillia's name is a play on the nonsensical word bajillionaire, meaning someone with an unquantifiably large amount of money.
- Bajillia is the first villain to work in league with her offspring since Necrolai from Mystic Force.
- Like Squillia, she is one of two villains whose costume is different from her canon version.
See Also[]
- Madakko - Super Sentai counterpart in Kyuranger. See comparison page.