Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
"Player of the Drift Thunder! Yugi Blue!"
―Yugi Blue's role call

Ayaka Nagoshi (名越 綾香 Nagoshi Ayaka?) is Yugi Blue (ユギブルー Yugi Burū?), the Blue Ranger of the Yugirangers. Her video game genre is racing.

Character History[]


Ayaka is abstract, communicative, light-hearted, versatile and enthusiastic.

Yugi Blue[]

(Fan-Made) Player Blue (Gaming Gear)

Yugi Blue

  • Yugi Changer SP
  • Denki Power Medals


  • Ayaka is named after Toshihiro Nagoshi, the director of Daytona USA series and producer of F-Zero GX. Toshihiro is also known for creating the Yakuza series.
    • Coincidentally, Ayaka's first name is the same as her actor's.

See Also[]

  • Misaki Suzui - Power Rangers counterpart in Power Rangers Gaming Gear.