Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

[[Category:Power Rangers Spirit Strike]]

The Aura Megazord is the combination of Dragon, Pegasus, Griffin, Green Wolf, Panther, and Golden Falcon Spirit Zords. The Golden Falcon forms the base that the rest of the Zords attach to. The Green Wolf attaches to the right arm of the Sky Strike Megazord to form a cannon and the Panther attaches to the left arm to also form a cannon. The two pieces of the Spirit Megazord's sword attach to the back legs of the Golden Falcon to form the legs. The head of the falcon folds up to reveal a cavity that the Pegasus fits into to form the chest. The Griffin becomes a blaster, the Megazord's weapon and the Dragon connects to the Falcon's head to form the head of the Megazord. The wings of the Falcon attach to the chest to form a chest-mounted blaster. This Megazord fights the bad guys and monsters in combat. The finisher move is "Electric Shine" with the Megazord's Blaster and "Six-Spirit-Finish" to finish off the monsters at once.
