Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

The Aura Blitz Megazord is the Aura Blitz Rangers first megazord.

When the command "Aura Megazord, Activate!" is given, the Aura Trailer's cabin becomes the chest, the tractor wheel sections become the arms (with the headlights as the flat side of each hand), and the trailer becomes the lower legs (sliding back to reveal the upper legs while the top side forms the front of the legs). It's main weapons are the Aura Drill, the Aura Anchor (a chain weapon with a sawblade-like flail), the Double Vulcan repeating blasters in his chest (formed from the smokestacks from the Land Galaxy), and two double-barreled hand blasters formed from Land Galaxy's cannons that can be combined to form the Chi Bazooka rapid-fire canon. By using the Spartan Dash, Galaxy Robo can rapidly skate across terrain to reach the site of a battle as well as to deliver a powerful tackle attack. It can also gather Aura power in its right hand and project it as the Galaxy Arrow.

Its finishing attack is the Aura Energy Chop an energized karate chop. To perform the finisher, Aura Blitz Megazord must first use the Aura Road Spark where a road is formed from Aura power which the Aura Trailer travels on, causing it to gather power before converting back into robot mode for the finisher. It is piloted by all three Aura Blltz Rangers. It stopped being used prominently with the introduction of the Super Chi Megazord
