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Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-kyuranger This article is about a/an ranger in Power Rangers Universe.

"Power of Leo!"
―roll call (as Ranger Series Red)

"Power of the Galaxy!"
―roll call (as Ranger Series Orion)

Arthur Morgan is Ranger Series Red of the Star Battleforce Rangers, who serves as the central character of Power Rangers Universe. A rookie Star Battleforce cadet, he was the fifth individual to join the Star Battleforce Ranger Program. He is later revealed to be a distant descendant of the legendary warrior Orion Pax, and gains an alternate, more powerful form known as Ranger Series Orion.

Character History[]




Despite often coming off as happy-go-lucky in his personality, Authur is actually quite strong-willed and more clever than he lets on. Another defining trait is his unflinching will to fight for anyone in need, even at the risk of his own life. From time to time, Arthur is almost entirely selfless in nature and is generally very earnest and very thick-skinned, as well as not being very perceptive and at times, can actually be very dense. He is also prone to say things other people have a hard time comprehending, due to his unique and bizarre view in things. These quirky qualities are seen by others around him to be both annoying shortcomings and unusual strengths.


  • Orion Pax - distant ancestor



Ranger Series Red

"Leo! Uni So Cool!"
―transformation announcement via Uni-Controller





Ranger Series Red with Horsie Armor

The Horsie Armor is Ranger Series Red's power-up granted by the Horsie Sphere which arms him with the sentient body armor "Horsie".




Ranger Series Red with Solar Boost

The Solar Boost is Ranger Series Red's power-up granted by the Light Sphere's Solar Mode. In this form, he is able to shine on his surroundings to the brightest with a bright light akin to sunlight, leaving little to no shadows behind. The light given off by this form also empowers the Gold Ranger, increasing his speed and agility, allowing him to deliver attacks in quick succession. It also allows Shishi Red to assume a more wilder and faster fighting style. The Silver Ranger is empowered as well, but the actual boost he received is yet unknown.



Ranger Series Red with Lunar Boost

The Lunar Boost is Ranger Series Red's power-up granted by the Light Sphere's Lunar Mode. In this form, gives off a shine akin to moonlight, which empowers the Blue Ranger, allowing him to assume a more graceful fighting style. It also empowers the Red Ranger himself, allowing him to use a more graceful fighting style.



Ranger Series Orion

"Uni-versal! Uni So Super Cool!"
―transformation announcement via Uni-Controller

Star Battleforce Ranger Series Orion is Arthur's ultimate form accessed through the use of the Universal Sector Key, allowing him to combine the powers of all 12 Star Battleforce Ranger along with the great power of the Orion Sector. In this form, not only can he freely open teleporting portals in combat against his foes, he can also summon the weapons of the other rangers. He can even summon the giant Sector Keys from rangers who are not available, like Ranger Series Drago's and Ranger Series Black's, in order to form the Star Battleforce Ultrazord.






See also[]

Power nav icon Power Rangers Universe Icon-kyuranger
Arthur Morgan - Dimitri Skorpirov - Wild Bill - Bronzee - Moose - Florian Hebitsuvic - Megan Sawyer - Joi - Ryan Torres - Colonel Xiao Longbao - Russell Cubowski - Agent 263
Evil Rangers: Metal Florian
Uni-Controller (Arkeyan Controller) - Drago Command Staff - Phoenix Saber & Shield
Multi-Use Devices
Sector Keys
Individual Weapons and Team Weapon
Universal Weaponization System
Uni-Saber - Uni- Spear - Uni-Claw - Uni-Bowgun - Uni-Axe - Uni-Scythe - Uni-Skewer - Uni- Sweeper - Uni-Razor
Other Devices
Ranger Lottery
Horsie - Supreme Commander Mor-La - Professor Levicitus Cornwall (good)
Leo Voyager 1 - Scorpio Voyager 2 - Lupus Voyager 3 - Libra Voyager 4 - Taurus Voyager 5 - Ophiuchi Voyager 6 - Chameleon Voyager 7 - Aquilla Voyager 8 - Dorado Voyager 9 - Drago Voyager 10 - Ursa Voyager 11 (U. Minor Voyager 11.1 - U. Major Voyager 11.2) - Phoenix Steel Zord - Phoenix Steel Dish - Phoenix Steel Launcher - Orion Voyager 13 - Orion Command Ship - Oracle Zord
Voyager Squad Megazord - Drago Pride Megazord - Phoenix Steel Megazord - Orion Megazord
Voyager Pride Megazord - Star Battleforce Ultrazord - Star Battleforce - Arsenal Ready - Leo Oracle Zord - Voyager Squad Oracle Zord
Arkeyan Empire
Leader: His Magnificence
Senators: Z'azlom (Z'Aezoth, Pom-Pom, Gazla)
Major: Volstagg - Cereberos - Mikhail Toxstatin - Octiqua
Minor: Bazoo Kaboom - Free K. Tiki - Warden Gatling - Tankin' Joe - Fris Breach - Billy Basebrawl - Southon Cross
Lone Commandants: Perpiculous Plump - Dreamin' Weave - Dagi Long-Necks - Roboto Epee - TBA - Fuzzy Spectra - Gigan UFO-Lots - Sunken Gear - Kage Avalon - Stone Juvenile - Extra Neck-Teach - Giwi McNewzie - Endoskel Pinch
O'Neil Brothers: Otis O'Neil - Norman O'Neil - Javier O'Neil - Dale O'Neil - Ernie O'Neil - Earl O'Neil - Wilton O'Neil - Dalton O'Neil - Elwood O'Neil
Enforcement-Class: Lord Stinker
Scientists: Professor Leviticus Cornwall (evil) - Scapel
Footsoldiers: Roswells - Moonbillies