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This article is about a/an megazord in Power Rangers Arthro Knight.

The Arthro Knight Megazord is the main Megazord of the Arthro Knights in Power Rangers Arthro Knight.


The Arthro Knight Megazord is unique as it consists of ten components, the five main Arthrozords & the five auxiliary Arthrozords. The megazord can be piloted by a single ranger with a trade-off: its power is severely limited; however, it can become stronger when more rangers join until all five are present, allowing the Arthro Knight Megazord to access its full potential.

  • With Blue Arthro Knight, Arthro Knight Megazord can access flight through Dragonfly Arthrozord's wings.
  • With Yellow Arthro Knight, Arthro Knight Megazord can generate energy slashes through Mantis Arthrozord's razor raptorials with each kick.
  • With Black Arthro Knight, Arthro Knight Megazord can utilize Hornet Arthrozord's honeycomb-based energy shield ability for defense and generate energy through Hornet Arthrozord's stinger to execute a lance thrusting kick.
  • With Purple Arthro Knight, Arthro Knight Megazord's sword skills are improved.

It wields the Arthro Mega Calibur, comprised of the Dragonfly Arthrozord, Butterfly Arthrozord, & Ant Arthrozord. This sword is stored on Arthro Megazord's back when not in use. The megazord is extremely agile, able to jump over long distances, fire webbing from the Spider Arthrozords on its chest, utilize Stag-Beetle Arthrozord's pincers to ensnare the enemy, and has superior swordsmanship skills for both offensive & defensive purposes.

Arthro Knight Megazord's finisher is Mega Calibur Strike allows it to generate energy from the Ladybug Arthrozords and transfer it to the Arthro Mega Calibur. The megazord then executes a flaming iridescent slash against the TBA, which explodes after Ant Arthrozord moves upward and connects to the sword's stinger tip.


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Stag-Beetle Arthrozord[]

The Stag-Beetle Arthrozord is the stag beetle-based zord of the Red Arthro Knight. It has large, well-developed jaws that allows it to throw objects that are caught in its hand far away. It can use the tip of its chin to push up its opponents or use its flat body to scoop up its feet from the bottom. Forms the chest, arms, & thighs of the Arthro Knight Megazord.

Dragonfly Arthrozord[]

The Dragonfly Arthrozord is the dragonfly-based zord of the Blue Arthro Knight. With its blinding speed abilities, it has well-developed large wings that enable it to perform acrobatics such as somersaults & sharp turns while flying agilely through the air. Its head has compound eyes that allows it to track his targets. Forms the wings & sword of the Arthro Knight Megazord.

Mantis Arthrozord[]

The Mantis Arthrozord is the praying mantis-based zord of the Yellow Arthro Knight. It fights with sharply cutting abilities as it slices up its enemies brilliantly with its large, well-developed scythe, & can detect humans buried under rubble with its sense of touch, which can detect high frequency of sounds. Forms the right leg of the Arthro Knight Megazord.

Butterfly Arthrozord[]

The Butterfly Arthrozord is the butterfly-based zord of the Purple Arthro Knight. It has large, well-developed wings, & its surface is protected by scales, allowing it to continue flying even in bad weather. It is equipped with a catcher to escort suspects in international trials and can camouflage its entire body for covert action. Forms the head & sword hilt of the Arthro Knight Megazord.

Hornet Arthrozord[]

The Hornet Arthrozord is the hornet/bee/wasp-based zord of the Black Arthro Knight. It fights with unstoppable momentum while outsmarting its opponents. In addition to being able to completely pierce the enemy with its large, well-developed stinger, it is also possible to protect allies as a barrier while drawing the figure of eight and repel enemy attacks. Forms the left leg of the Arthro Knight Megazord.

Ladybug Arthrozords[]

The Ladybug Arthrozords are a pair of Ladybug-based auxiliary Arthrozords. They are good at fighting by flying around in the air & can also convert the oil taken into their bodies into energy & charge their storage organs. Form the arm bracers of the Arthro Knight Megazord.

Spider Arthrozords[]

The Spider Arthrozords are a pair of spider-based auxiliary Arthrozords. They specialize in combat that fire sticky spider webs to block enemy movement. With four eyes shining, they can give signs to each other, & can also play cooperatively in harmony. Form armor for the chest & waist of the Arthro Knight Megazord.

Ant Arthrozord[]

The Ant Arthrozord is an ant-based auxiliary Arthrozord. It is good at fighting by boldly jumping on the enemy & biting everywhere. It can also carry items on its back that are larger than its own body. Forms the Arthro Mega Calibur's sliding section of the Arthro Knight Megazord.

Additional Formations[]

Arthro Shogun Megazord[]

The Arthro Shogun Megazord is a special combination formed from the Shogun Avatarzord & the Arthro Knights' Arthro Knight Megazord. The combination is essentially unchanged from the Arthro Knight Megazord save for the head, which is that of the Avatar Shogun Megazord's.

The finisher for this combination involves the Arthro Shogun Megazord generating energy manifestations of a peach & the Stag-Beetle Arthrozord, the latter of which carries the former skyward. The Arthro Shogun Megazord then slashes the enemy with its sword, & the energy manifestations crash into the resulting opening to finish off the opponent.

Arthro Guardian Megazord[]

Arthro Guardian Megazord is the upgraded form of Arthro Knight Megazord that appeared 2000 years ago and was re-awakened in the present day. This form sees Arthro Knight Megazord equipped with the Rhino-Beetle Blaster, Scorpion Claw and Hopper Armor. Combined with the Three Guardian Arthrozords, Arthro Knight Megazord can travel anywhere on the planet instantaneously by moving at the speed of light, fire enhanced beams from the Rhino-Beetle Blaster, fight in close-quarter combat with the Scorpion Claw, and utilize the Hopper Armor as a shield or to fire a golden laser. Its finisher allows it to generate and fire a golden beam powerful enough to vaporize multiple enemies instantly.

Appearances: Arthro Knight Episodes

Rhino-Beetle Knight Megazord[]

Arthro Mace Megazord[]

Arthro Cannon Megazord[]

Behind the Scenes[]


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  • The Arthro Knight Megazord is:
    • The first Megazord to have Dragonfly & Butterfly-based zord components.
    • The first Core Megazord to have ten zord components as opposed to three or five.


See Also[]
