Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-kingohgerThis article is about a/an collectible devices in Power Rangers Royal Swarm.

The Arachna Keys are the personal collectible item of the Arachna Royal Ranger.


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to be added

List of Arachna Keys[]


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Power nav icon Power Rangers Royal Swarm Icon-kingohger
Arthur Rex - Miles Eques - Dawn Episco - Lizzie Regina - Damian Turris - Charlie Pignus
Stag - Samuel Rex - Vivian Rex - Gavin Moe - Lisa Episco - Manuel Kayleb - Adrien Turris

Legendary Rangers: Dino Charge Rangers
Kendall Morgan - Keeper - Heckyl

Swarm Sword - Arachna Slayer - King Swarm Lance - Royal Defender - Venomix Blaster - Arachna Keys - Stag Rider
Zords and Megazords
Royal Zords
Royal Beetle Zord - Royal Dragonfly Zord - Royal Mantis Zord - Royal Butterfly Zord - Royal Bee Zord - Royal Ladybug Zords - Royal Spider Zords - Royal Ant Zord - Royal Rhino Zord - Royal Scorpion Zord - Royal Hopper Zord - Royal Tarantula Zord - Caucasus Castle Zord - Royal Roly Zord - Royal Snail Zord - Royal Cicada Zord - Royal Centipede Zord - King Hercules Zord
Swarm Megazord - ArachKnight - Caucasus King Megazord
Noble Swarm Megazord - King Swarm Megazord - Dynasty Megazord
Arthra Monarchy
King Arthra - Prince Cozmoz
Entomix - Warlord Ochus - Ninjak - Bewitch - Krushkore - Larvans
Arthra Monsters
Armaroll - ZapFlash - Scaraban - Gastrocano - Drillant - SergeAnt - Terafly - Waspra - Strider - Buzz - Digget - Electromoth - Snapclaw - Rhinorn the Almighty - Grim Ripper
Other Villains:
Sledge - Poisandra - Fury - Wrench - Curio - Singe - Lord Arcanon - Badussa - Arcanstein
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