Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

This is friendship of Andrew Turner/Task Force X Red Ranger and Jose Santos/Task Force X Blue Ranger from Task Force X.



Andrew was just bailed out of jail by his father for driving until the influence. When he got, that he first saw Jose as a recruit alongside the other recruited members. Soon after Andre proved himself as a worthy fighter, he given the red rangers and Jose was the first acceptance on the team.

Air Strike:[]

Andrew and Jose alongside with Nina were the one into the idea of jet ride and also opposed Henry and Dakota more serious approach.


While sparring, Jose got too aggressive nearly choked Andrew to death. Andrew was mad that he did that but Jose believed he genuinely just rough-housing with Andrew. After his reckless pursuit to defeating Wild Jack, Jose realized got Andrew hurt which made him realize how reckless nearly cost his friend. After Jack was defeated, Jose apologized to Andrew about his transaction towards which he accepted.


They were chicken together until Jose went to go invite Dakota and Nina. After seeing Jose get hurt by tiny spy monster, that's when Andrew things into own hands team-up with Dakota was already on the job of investigator.


Andrew and Jose together before the ball dance event, hanging and not liking their fancy suits . They both experienced the exhausted forced to dance against their will and related to each other it. They got assigned to protect the special diamond together.


Andrew got himself hurt and out woke up the med bay, Jose was respectful making jokes about him condition which Andrew mild was annoyed. When Andrew had finally that he needed fight with strategy he start teamed up with Jose down the Hut Derek. After the fight was Jose was the first to hug the injuired Andrew, which Andrew had remind not to crush in fragile state, Jose lessen grip.

Doomsday Present:[]

Jose express discomfort not having Andrew leading, pulled through the battle.

Doomsday Wreck:[]

Andrew motiviated newfound faith, he showed up in battle to save Jose from Iron Doom. Jose was the first hug him. After defeating him, at the base, Jose gave him a hug after his welcome back party.

Crazy In Love:[]

Andrew and Jose actively like about their dating history together along with the others. Under a love monster's, the fought their love for her. After the spell was broken, the apologized for their fighting.


While searching the Shadow Knights agents through the graveyard, Andrew saw what he was the ghost of his late mother. Jose was constantly pulling back into the mission. When the illusion became more haunting tragic, Andrew panicked by Jose was there ease through his panick.

Stubborn Minded:[]

Jose still willing to pure power over strategic thinking, but Andrew sided with Henry and rejected Jose's approaching, knowing better. Eventually he came around he joined in Andrew's plan the monster.


Jose was frustrated with Andrew assure him and the others about the body swipe due Andrew not being body swap himself.


When Henry was getting angry with Andrew's lack of plan to stop the multiple monster attacks, Jose was the one stand up to him Henry, backing Andrew up.


Andrew was depressed, Jose attempted to cheer him up which he politely refuses. Later when Andrew apologizes to the other not opening about his mother's death anniversary, Jose forgave for it, apologizes himself for not giving him space.

Southern Spirit:[]

Jose was getting cocky about his skills and strength, Andrew jokingly warns him. After Wild Jack return and defeat Jose, Jose loss his cowboy mojo. Andrew sensing he will get it back let him to the south again. After getting defeated by Wild Jack, Jose getting confident showed up saved the team from him with Andrew being proud of him.

Green Past Part One: Post:[]

Andrew and Jose having secret conversations behind Henry's back. When Jose was taken Henry alongside Andrew reacted being taken by the most.

Green Past Part Two: Traumatic:[]

When Henry about Jose being taken, Andrew admitted as well, but also showed he confident they will get him back.



The Rodeo:[]
