Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-seikengerThis article is about a/an ranger in Kouken Sentai Seikenger.
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For her evil mania, see Amélie Dubois/Mania.
"Champion of Hera! Seiken Pink! (ヘラのチャンピオン!セイケンピンク! Hera no Chanpion! Seiken Pinku!?)"
―Seiken Pink's roll call

Amélie Dubois (アメリ・デュボワ Ameri De~yubowa?) is the previous Seiken Pink (セイケンピンク Seiken Pinku?), the first Pink Ranger of the Seikengers and the fourth Seikenger overall. Though she appears to be about 18 years-old, Amélie is actually 426, being born in France in 1598. Born in 16th Century France, Amélie was once a French noble of unknown rank and a lady-in-waiting, chosen as the Champion of Hera in 1616. In late 2017, Amélie was turned into a Mania by Lyssa, alongside Isabella and Fletcher, and was the first of the three to fall, the second Seikenger overall to become a Mania. However, her mania was later destroyed by Aiko Ishioka, her successor as Seiken Pink, and Amélie re-awakened.


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Generally, Amelie is seen as one of the more mature Seikengers. Despite being a bit airheaded at times, she is quite calm, level-headed, open-minded, and sweet, but can also be extremely calculating at times. She is a master deceiver, but is also extremely kind, and has often been described as two-faced, like Hera. However, Fletcher has said that Amelie always has the best intentions, but growing up as a lady-in-waiting in Reformation Era French Court, she is experienced in tricking others to survive. For example, according to Sayaka, at one point, Amelie faked being injured and getting captured to get Xander and Julius to work together for once despite being perfectly healthy and able to fight on her own. Despite this, all of the Seikengers, especially Fletcher, love and trust Amelie, who they treat like a little sister due to her technically being the youngest biologically. Unlike Isabella, who originally struggled to accept Fletcher, an English Protestant, Amelie was able to quickly get along with Fletcher when he joined the team despite the conflict between France and England. Like Xander, she is also extremely respectful towards the Gods, but like Isabella and Fletcher, still hangs onto the hope that her God exists somewhere in the world.

As Champion of Hera, Amelie is extremely faithful towards her loved ones, but also does not give second chances very often, and can be quite vengeful at times. She is extremely protective over her allies, especially Aiko, who she's known since Aiko was an infant, and despite being underestimated, is actually a dirty fighter who will most likely stick a bomb underneath a monster's foot while they're distracted. Like Julius, she is practical, dependable, and efficient, and has a strong sense of duty, as well as a desire for order and structure, although she is much less serious about this than him. Like her successor, Aiko, she is the type of person to help anyone with anything, no questions asked, and is generally quite approachable, especially compared to her successors. As Seiken Pink, Amelie generally has a habit of teasing Seiken Violet, whether it be Julius or Hyosuke, mostly because Seiken Violet is usually the oldest among the Seikengers.

After her Mania was destroyed, Amelie, unlike the other Seikengers, did not immediately have a role to fill, but was able to adjust quickly to 2024 and living with the Ishioka's again, now with them being young adults. Now as a semi-retired soldier, Amelie is the one who encourages the Seikengers to keep on fighting, and like Fletcher, is able to tell them the weaknesses of the stronger Mania Rangers. With Aiko now grown, Amelie was able to continue mentoring her, teaching her to better deceive others and act less like an airhead, but is also often seen with her commenting on fashion and boys. While a decent teacher about what she's stereotypically supposed to be, Amelie is not the best at teaching language, as she has a habit of giving anyone learning French the most judgemental of looks. Unlike Sayaka, Amelie is fluent good with Japanese Kanji despite not speaking English, and is fluent in French and Latin. In the end, Amelie was ready to sacrifice her own life to aid the new Seikengers, draining Tartarus's powers alongside her team and allowing Reika and Haruto to make it through Tartarus somewhat unharmed. With Gaia gone and the duties of the Olympian Royal Guard decreasing, Amelie and the other four original Seikengers left Japan to travel the world and see whatever they had missed while on duty/incapacitated, promising their predecessors they'd return soon.










Seiken Pink[]


Seiken Pink

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: Seikenger Episodes TBA

Behind the Scenes[]


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Icon-seikenger Kouken Sentai Seikenger
Current Seikengers: Reika Igarashi - Hyosuke Ishioka - Sayaka Ishioka - Aiko Ishioka - Kouta Ishioka - Tsukiko Kaneko - Haruto Kaneko - Hajime Tanaka - Hilda
Former Seikenger: Xander of Sparta - Julius Aurelius - Isabella de Empúries - Amélie Dubois - Fletcher Westbrook
Evil Rangers: Mania Xander - Mania Julius - Mania Isabella - Mania Amélie - Mania Fletcher
Transformation Devices
Seiken Changer - Queen's Crown
Multi-Use Devices
Individual Weapons and Team Weapon
Seiken Staff - Seiken Sword - Seiken Spear - Seiken Scepter - Seiken Sickle - Moon Bow - Sun Bow - Guard's Shield - Queen's Lightning
Seiken Blade
Other Devices
Seikeken Buckle
Mortals: Natsumi Ishioka - Miko Ishioka - Fumiko Kaneko
Spirits: Fuuka Igarashi
Immortals: Hecate - Hermes - Ares - Athena - Hera - Demeter - Artemis - Apollo - Zeus - Chaos - Aether - Nyx - Pontus - Ouranos - Hades - Poseidon
Legend Rangers
Kenta Date - Alata - Makoto Jin - Juru Atsuta - Tametomo Imizu - Miku Imamura - Kairi Yano - Touma Yoimachi - Umika Hayami - Noël Takao - Keiichiro Asaka - Sakuya Hikawa - Tsukasa Myoujin - Ran Uzaki - Jun'ichi Aikawa - Ryouma - Hyouga - Sayaka Nagisa - Hiromu Sakurada - Riko Honoo - Kyosuke Jinnai - Sosuke Esumi - Magine - Tsubasa Inuzuka - Doggie Kruger - Satoru Akashi - Lucky - Stinger - Spada - Tsurugi Ohtori - Jun Yabuki - Yamato Tribe Prince Geki - Sharma Tribe Knight Goushi - Etoffe Tribe Knight Dan - Dime Tribe Knight Boi - Lithia Tribe Princess Mei - Koh - Melto - Asuna - Towa - Bamba - Ryouga Hakua - Yukito Sanjyou - Ranru Itsuki - Asuka - Mikoto Nakadai - Daigo Kiryu - Ian Yorkland - Nobuharu Udo - Souji Rippukan - Amy Yuuzuki - Ryu Tendo - Gai Yuki - Kaori Rokumeikan - Takayuki Hiba - Takeru Shiba - Ryuunosuke Ikenami - Mako Shiraishi - Chiaki Tani - Kotoha Hanaori - Genta Umemori - Kaoru Shiba - Gaku Hoshikawa - Karen Mizuki - Sasuke - Tsuruhime - Yousuke Shiina - Ikkou Kasumi - Takaharu Igasaki - Yakumo Katou - Matsuri Tatsumi - Jun Kiyama - Jin - Miyuki Ozu - Isamu Ozu - Yamato Kazakiri - Captain Marvlous - Joe Gibken - Luka Millfy - Don Dogoier - Ahim de Famille - Gai Ikari - Akira Nijino - Ryuu Hoshikawa - Rei Tachibana - Ken'ichi Akama - Kanpei Kuroda - Miki Momozono - Kakeru Shiba - Gaku Washio - Kai Samezu - Sotaro Ushigame - Sae Taiga - Tsukimaro Ogami - Gira Husty - Yanma Gast - Hymeno Ran - Rita Kaniska - Kaguragi Dybowski - Jeramie Brasieri - Takeru - Akira - Momoko - Daigo of the Heavenly Phantom Star - Goro Hoshino - Tatsuya Asami - Tsuyoshi Kaijo
Mecha and Robos
Guard Ookarasu - Guard Hagewashi - Guard Fukurou - Guard Kujaku - Guard Tsuru - Guard Shika - Guard Ookami - Guard Washi - Titan Queen
Kouken Gattai SeikenOh - Kouken Gattai CycleKing - Kouken Gattai RoyalEagle
Kouken Gattai SeikenCycle - Teikoku Kouken Gattai DaiSeikenKing
Mount Othrys Family
Leader: Gaia - Tartarus
Generals: Kronos - Hyperion - Krios - Koios - Iapetus
Divine Creations: Ihsnetad - Usamad
Grunts: Blemmyae
Mecha: to be added
Others: to be added