Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

At a Power Plant, a bunch of Quantrons were standing around a control room, as a lizard monster called Lizwizard, was sucking information out of a computer inside with his tongue, as all the men inside were lying with their faces on the computers. The computers lit up slightly, as his tongue sucked the data out of it, glowing slightly as it did.

Outside, the Rangers all ran along the side of the building, which had a sign saying 'Section 4-C, top secret'. They all ran in single file towards the door, Karone in the lead, Natasha in the rear, then Karone stopped by the end and turned to the others."This way." she said quietly.

They all gathered together by the door, then Karone and Amanda peeked through the window, seeing Lizwizard laughing."He's stealing all their knowledge from them." Karone explained, turning to the others.Lizwizard then pulled his tongue back from the computer, causing two scientists to fall over.

"Alright, girls, let's go." Karone said.She pulled the door open, just as Lizwizard and the Quantrons began to walk away. A blast then hit a Quantron, making Lizwizard and the others gasp as they turned to the Rangers, Karone holding her Astro Blaster."Rangers?!" Lizwizard gasped."Good guess, Lizwizard." Karone commented.Spying, huh?" Lizwizard assumed."Correct answer." Natasha remarked."And we don't like what we saw." Hannah added."That's right. What have you done with them?!" Sienna demanded."Curious?" Lizwizard asked. "Allow me to demonstrate?"

He spat out his tongue, which then wrapped around Karone's forearm."Hey?!" Karone complained."Whoa." Kristen gasped.The Rangers turned from Karone to Lizwizard, when green energy went through the tongue, swapping their positions."Something's...off!" Karone grunted, as it happened. "How'd I get over here.""I can switch places." Lizwizard retorted.He then ran out of the building, dragging Karone with him.Lizwizard dragged Karone away, as a bunch of Quantrons suddenly surrounded them.

"Quantrons, get her!" Lizwizard called, as he stopped.He then flipped Karone onto her back with his tongue, and then Quantrons began grabbing her.The others all came running out of the building, and then ran towards them, then pulled some of them off Karone. Sienna then kicked one away, followed by Chelsea, then Hannah, then Natasha grabbed ones arm and flipped it over, as Kristen tried to punch one, but missed.

Chelsea then ducked as one tried to punch her, then Sienna did a sideways handspring to the right to avoid another two, Natasha ducked and rolled forward as a fourth tried to punch her, Hannah kicked a fifth in the arm, and Kristen dodged a sixth's kick, as Karone got back up.

"Spiral Saber!"Karone ducked as one ran past and tried to punch her, then she slashed another across the chest with her saber, and then slashed a third with it."Astro Axe!" Chelsea shouted, jumping up.She then slashed Lizwizard across the chest with it, then rolled away as he tried to hit her."Star Slinger!"Kristen fired it at Lizwizard as he turned to her, then she ran off."Solar Spear!"Amanda jumped up and stabbed Lizwizard in the chest with it, then whacked him in the belly with the pole end, before she rolled away. Hannah and Sienna then both got on either side of him.

"Hold it!" Hannah shouted aiming her Satellite Stunner."Okay, okay!" Lizwizard said, holding his hands up. "I give up. Kidding!"He fired and wrapped his tongue around Hannah's arm."Ugh!" she grunted.

"You okay?!" Sienna called."I can't get free!" Hannah grunted.

"Alright!" Sienna said.She twirled her Lunar Lance around in front of him, as Natasha and Kristen both watched, then she hit it against the ground."Lunar Lance!"She dug the pole end onto the ground, then jumped up and dived towards Lizwizard."Switch!" Lizwizard shouted, swapping his and Hannah's positions."Nooooo!" Hannah cried, before Sienna hit her in the arm with her lance. "Ahhh!"She twirled around and fell down, just as Sienna realized what she had done. Natasha,Sabrina,Amanda Kristen, Karone and Chelsea all ran towards her horrified."Hannah." Chelsea gasped.Lizwizard laughed."You okay, Hannah?" Natasha asked frantically, helping her up slightly."Good job, Black Ranger!" Lizwizard joked. "What?!" Sienna exclaimed angrily, charging at him. "You've had it!"

"Huh?" Kristen gasped, as the others turned to her, except Hannah as she clutched her left shoulder."Ha, ha, so long!" Lizwizard laughed.He and the Quantrons disappeared before Sienna reached them.

"Ahh!" she gasped, frustrated, before she turned to the others. "Oh, no. What have I done?"She ran towards the others and crouched in front of Hannah."Hannah, are you okay?" she asked, touching her good shoulder."Ahh! It's my shoulder!" she moaned, before she passed out on Chelsea's knees."I'm so sorry, Hannah." Sienna said sadly. "How could I have ever done this to my friend."She looked at her left hand as it shook madly. Later, onboard the Megaship, Hannah - now with her left arm in a sling - was playing checkers with Sabrina in the med bay. Sabrina moved one of her pieces across the board, then Hannah touched her sore shoulder, before moving one of hers across. The door then opened up, and Sienna came in the doorway, getting her attention.

"Hey." she said. "Come on in."Sienna walked towards her uneasily."So how you feeling?" she asked, touching the table.Hannah nodded and touched her injured shoulder."Couple more days and I'll be good as new." she assured."I want to apologise."Sienna said. "It just...happened so fast, and...somehow... I guess I didn't see you.""It was an accident." Hannah assured, touching her hand. "We all take chances. Sometimes we get hurt.""It's not that easy." Sienna said, pulling her hand away. "You could've got hurt a lot worse, all because of me."

Hannah looked at her worriedly, before she turned around and walked away. She walked out of the room just as Natasha appeared in the doorway, when Hannah moaned as she tried to stretch her arm."Ahh!" she moaned, touching it.Natasha turned and ran into the room."You okay, Han?" she asked, touching her good shoulder.

"Yeah. My shoulder's coming along." Hannah assured."I just saw Sienna and she seemed upset." Natasha said."She still blames herself for what happened." Hannah explained."Hey, it was an accident. It could've happened to any one of us."Natasha stated."Exactly." Hannah agreed. "But I don't think Sienna knows that."Natasha nodded in agreement.Meanwhile, on the Dark Fortress, Lizwizard had his tongue plugged into a computer near Daimon, who was sitting in his throne. Ecliptor and Malicia stood on either side of her, as data images came onto the screen.

"You know, he doesn't sound so good." Malicia said, stretching her head.Lizwizard moaned slightly as he kept sending the images onto the screen."Excellent. Now you can build the grand weapon, and I can control Earth." Daimon grinned.Lizwizard unplugged his tongue from the computer."Yes, but we're still missing a key piece of information, Daimon." he explained.Daimon frowned as he got up."I'm running out of patience." he hissed. "Find it!" Near a group of buildings, Danielle and Nikki got out of the Professor's van, and walked towards a device with hoses on, then Danielle picked one up."Yes, help me." the Professor said, as Nikki helped him out. "Ah..."Danielle walked to the edge of the van with the hose, before she was pulled back."Yes." the Professor said.Lizwizard then showed up on the other side of the van."Perfect." he grinned. "Professor Phenomenus, just the genius I need."He laughed as he crept around the van.

Nearby, Sienna was standing alone on a small rooftop, thinking about what she'd done to Hannah.

(Flashback)She jumped and dived towards Lizwizard."Switch!" Lizwizard shouted, swapping his and Hannah's positions."Nooooo!" Hannah cried, before Sienna hit her in the arm with her lance. "Ahhh!"(Flashback ends)

She closed her eyes and then opened them again, feeling guilty about what happened. She then heard screaming, which made her look up, and then she saw Danielle, Nikki and the Professor run past a building nearby."What is that?!" Danielle shouted, faintly, as Lizwizard chased the three of them."Noise!" Nikki cried. "Oh, my goodness! Hurry up!"Sienna looked down slightly, but then ran off.Danielle, Nikki and the Professor stopped and turned to Lizwizard."Come on, Professor?" he dared, as Sienna hid behind a wall nearby. "Consider it a science experiment."He fired lasers out of his hands at the three of them, but missed as they all ducked.

Sienna gasped and hid behind the wall. She breathed hard as she touched her right hand, which shook madly, as she sweated like a pig."Come on, Sienna." she said.She turned back to Lizwizard, who was still tormenting Danielle, Nikki and the Professor, who all screamed."Just relax, you won't feel a thing." Lizwizard sniggered.The trio whimpered nervously, as Sienna clutched her fist, not knowing what to do.(Flashback)Sienna and Hannah stare at each other in the med bay."It was an accident."Hannah assured, touching her hand. "We all take chances. Sometimes we get hurt."(Flashback ends)Sienna closed her eyes as she slowly brought her morpher to her."Let's Rocket!"(Morph sequence)She opened her morpher up, and began pressing buttons on it."3,3,5!"She then hit enter, and the lights beside the numbers lit up.Sienna then morphed into her Ranger suit, as she spun around as the words 'Morphing Complete' came up, and then her helmet symbol glowed.(End morph sequence)She then jumped over the trio and landed between them and Lizwizard. "You again?!" Lizwizard exclaimed.

"Hurry, run!" Sienna shouted, turning to the trio.

The trio held their thumbs up and backed away, before they turned and ran off.

"Okay." Nikki said."See ya soon!" Lizwizard mocked. "Now, Black Ranger.""What?!" Sienna said, turning to him."Which team are you on today?" Lizwizard joked.

"I'm always on the winning team, Lizwizard!" Sienna retorted, cracking her knuckles.

They then charged at it each other, then they grappled each other by the shoulders, before Sienna threw Lizwizard over her. he kicked his feet against a barrel, then leaped over to Sienna, pouncing on her. Sienna then kicked him slightly, knocking him over her, but then he disappeared before Sienna got back up.

"Huh?" Sienna gasped.She ran to where Lizwizard had vanished and looked around."Hey...?" she wondered. "Where are you hiding? Hey!"She kept looking around, when some knocked over tins got her attention."I'm not hiding!" Lizwizard sneered, wrapping his arms around Sienna's legs. "I'm right here!"He lifted Sienna's legs up, causing her to flip over onto her back, but she managed to land on her knees slightly. She then turned to Lizwizard and got back up, before Lizwizard hit her with his tongue, knocking her towards a pile of metal tin boxes, knocking them over.

Lizwizard laughed as he disappeared again."Come on, Sienna. Stay focused." Sienna told herself. "You can handle this guy."Lizwizard - still invisible - clawed Sienna across the chest, then clawed her again, and then again, making her fall onto her chest. Lizwizard then turned visible again, and stared at her."Ready for more, Black Ranger?" he smirked.

"What's wrong with me?" Sienna said quietly. "Why can't I beat this monster? I've got to focus."She got to her feet, then sent a kick at Lizwizard, who blocked it with his hands, and then he punched Sienna in the chest. He then hit Sienna in the back, knocking her to the ground, and then he stomped on her chest."How pathetic." Lizwizard sneered. "You couldn't hurt a flea!"A female figure then jumped and twirled around, before she back kicked Lizwizard with both feet, knocking him down off Sienna. Sienna looked at the figure as she got back up, and saw it was Natasha's predecessor: Ashlee Halliwell. Ashlee?!" she said, surprised.

Lizwizard gasped in shock.

"Need a hand?" Ashlee asked, holding her hand out."Thanks." Sienna said, taking it.Ashlee helped her up."Good to see you, Ash." Sienna said.

Lizwizard got up.

"Double the fun." he smirked, getting their attention. "Ready to rumble!"

He sent a kick at Ashlee, who dodged it, then tried to whack her over the head, but missed as she dodged. He then elbowed Sienna in the chest as she came up behind him, then ducked as Ashlee spun around to upper kick him. Ashlee then kicked him in the side, but then he kicked Sienna in the chest, then Ashlee blocked a punch from him, followed by another, then another, and then blocked a kick.

Ashlee then ducked under a punch, then spun around sideways as he jumped backwards. She then dodged as Lizwizard tried to claw her, causing him to claw a barrel, then Ashlee rolled over another barrel as he tried to claw her again. She then kicked the barrel at Lizwizard, then Ashlee twirled around while getting behind him, as he tried to claw her.

Sienna then pounced and grappled Lizwizard, who then pinned her against a wall, and then threw her into a pile of boxes. Ashlee then kicked him in the chest slightly, then flipped forward to avoid a whack, then he got back to his feet, and then kicked him in the chest, knocking him back. Ashlee then jumped, spun around to upper kick him, but missed as he ducked, but then managed to back kick him as he got back up, knocking him down."Where's your little friend?!" he snarled, getting back up.

Sienna got up from behind the boxes."Here I am, Lizwizard!" she snapped, getting past them."You're lucky you have friends." Lizwizard spat, as Sienna ran past Ashlee. "Next time I see you, you won't be so lucky!"He then vanished.

"Power down!" Sienna shouted, crossing her arms over each other in front of her helmet, and then lowered them.

She de-morphed, and then turned to Ashlee.

"Thanks, Ash." Sienna said, as they high-fived each other."No problem, man." Ashlee assured. "Everybody needs a hand now and then, even the Black Ranger."Sienna looked at her."Maybe. But lately is seems like I can use a little more than usual." she said frustrated, leaning against a crate, before punching it.

"Meaning what?" Ashlee inquired."Meaning..." Sienna said, turning to her. "..I could sure use a little help."Ashlee smiled and walked towards her."Just name it." she said.

They locked their hands together.

Later, Ashlee sat on a bench in the city, as Sienna stood in front of her, having told her everything that had happened with Hannah.

"Ever since I hurt Hannah I...I worry about my every move." she explained. "And pretty soon I'm gonna-""Make a wrong move?" Ashlee finished."Exactly." Sienna confirmed.

Ashlee folded her left leg over her right."You know, when you're fighting as a Ranger, nothing's for sure." she explained. "You've gotta be willing to take chances, even if you mess up now and then."Sienna looked at her, and sighed."Come on man Ashlee smirked, getting up, and wrapping her arm around her. "Don't worry about it. I had the same doubts, every Ranger does."Sienna looked unsure."You know, there's a Ranger I served with who never backed down and gave up when it seemed hopeless." Ashlee explained.Sienna turned to her.

"Really?" he asked."Yeah. She's one of the bravest I've ever seen and served with." Ashlee explained. "She had these doubts too, but never let them get in the way of her duties."Sienna looked away, unconvinced."Alright, you really want my help?" Ashlee asked.Sienna looked down for a minute."I don't know what else to do." she said, turning to Ashlee."Alright." Ashlee smiled, walking away slightly. "Let's go."Sienna followed her.

Over the next few days, Ashlee began training Sienna in the park. It included a run up a set of steps, then Sienna kicked a karate kick bag, then Ashlee grabbed her arm. Sienna then did some pushups, then Ashlee held two punching mitts, as Sienna sent a kick at her, but she dodged, then she tried to whack Sienna with a mitt, but missed as she ducked.

Sienna then kicked the kick bag again, and then she kicked it again. She then did some fighting poses as Ashlee watched.

"Three!" Ashlee said.

They both ran up the steps again, then Sienna did more pushups, as Ashlee wrote down her status. Ashlee then tried to whack her with the mitts again, but missed as she ducked, then she dodged a kick from Sienna, and then they ran up the steps again.

About three days after they'd started, Sienna did a fighting pose on a mat while blindfolded, as Ashlee walked around her, while Amanda watched.

"Yes, go Sienna." Amanda cheered, holding Ashlee's water bottle, with her towel over her shoulder.Ashlee began circling Sienna quietly."Come on, Sienna." Amanda said.Ashlee then sent a kick at Sienna, who dodged it, then she blocked a whack from Ashlee with her elbow, before Ashlee kicked her in the belly."Ah!" Sienna moaned, clutching her chest as she fell to her knees.Ashlee then spun around and tried to kick her downwards, but missed as she got back up, but then Ashlee tackled her, tripping her up.

"Come on, Sienna." Ashlee encouraged. "Again."

Sienna got back to her feet, then sent two punches at Ashlee, followed by a kick, but she dodged them all. Sienna then turned to whack her, but missed as she ducked while spinning around, and then elbowed her in the chest. Sienna began punching the air as Ashlee got back up, then Sienna sent a punch at her, but missed as she ducked and ran around her, ducking while Sienna tried to hit her again. Sienna then tried to whack her, but she grabbed her arm while kicking her slightly in the hip, then Ashlee flipped her to the ground."Come on, focus!" Ashlee said, as Sienna got to her knees. "Let your intuition take over."Sienna shook her head and hit the mat with her fist, before she got up and then took off her blindfold."I can't do this!" she frowned, turning to Ashlee. "You're wasting your time! I'm no...Power Ranger!"Ashlee looked at her, before she turned and began to walk away."Sienna!" Ashlee said, touching her arm.Sienna turned back to her, but then she turned and ran off. Amanda sighed as Ashlee turned to her. What are we going to do?"

Ashlee walked towards her."Not sure." she said, taking her water bottle.They both walked towards a wooden table, as Sienna ran up the set of steps, then Ashlee sat on it."Do you think she'll be alright, Ash?" Amanda asked, as Ashlee drank some water."Saving the world's not an easy business." Ashlee said. "She's gonna have to make her own decisions now, just like any other Power Ranger.""I suppose you're right." Amanda agreed.Ashlee sighed. "You know, sometimes I still wish I was a Power Ranger." she said, as she missed it all.She reached into her bag, and pulled out her old Zeonizers The next day, on the Megaship, Sienna put her morpher and communicator on the handle controls, while holding a backpack on her back, before turning to the others, as she told them she was leaving. The others all looked at her, all shocked by what she was doing."But...we need you." Kristen said."Sienna, we're a team."Natasha said."Come on." Chelsea said, picking up the morpher and communicator. "You can't quit, Sienna."Sienna looked at them all, as Amanda shook her head. She then picked up her bag and walked towards the lift."Wait!" Sabrina said, grabbing her arm. "Please!""Sienna, don't." Natasha begged, as Sienna pulled her arm away. She then entered the lift and turned to them all."I have to!" she snapped. "Before I hurt someone...again."Hannah looked at her desperately, before the lift closed. Onboard the Dark Fortress, Daimon turned his throne around to Lizwizard, who was on his knees, while Ecliptor and Malicia stood on either side of her."You failed me one too many times, Lizwizard." he hissed."Wait! Give me another chance." Lizwizard begged."I don't think so." Daimon smirked, getting up. Malicia gave him his Wrath Staff"I can destroy the Black Ranger." Lizwizard pleaded. "Please, give me one more shot! She'll be history."Ecliptor approached Daimon."The Black Ranger is alone on Earth." he whispered.Daimon looked at Lizwizard as he cried."One shot." he said, lifting his staff up."Huh?" Lizwizard gasped, looking up. "Thank you."Daimon put the end of his staff on Malicia's foot."Ah!" she yelped."You won't regret it." Lizwizard promised, before he ran off.Daimon turned around and handed Malicia his staff."Take this." he said, before he walked towards the throne."Great. Yeah, thanks." Malicia said, as he sat down. "I'll be right over here."She leaned against a wall, as Ecliptor turned to Daimon, but then Malicia fell over.At the park, Sienna walked towards Ashlee and Amanda.

"Ashlee, I think what you're doing is really great." Amanda remarked, as Ashlee got her equipment ready. "Keep it up.""Hey." Ashlee said, turning to Sienna. "Alright, we'll start off with uh, three miles around the lake-""Ashlee." Sienna interrupted, getting Ashlee to stop. "I've already decided. I'm not the Black Ranger anymore."Ashlee looked at her disappointedly, as Ashlee touched her wrist."But, Sienna!" Amanda called, as Sienna turned and walked away.Ashlee looked at Sienna, as sparks came up from the ground near them both."Aghh!" Sienna moaned, as she fell over.Ashlee groaned as she fell to her knees by the table.Lizwizard then showed up and charged at the three girls.Sienna got up, but then Lizwizard grappled her, then hit her in the chest with his knee, and then knocked her away.

Ashlee got up and watched helplessly."Sienna!" she gasped.A bunch of Quantrons then showed up and charged at her.She then ducked as spun around as one tried to punch her, then she jumped onto the table seat as another tried to tackle her. She then blocked a third's kick with her hands, before rolling along its back and kicked a fourth in the chest, knocking it down. She then blocked ones kick, then hit another in the chest with the palm of her hand, then punched a third in the chest, and then elbowed a sixth in the chest. She then ducked as a fifth tried to punch her, before she spun around and tackled another three knocking them down.

She then blocked a kick from the fifth with her hands, then blocked another with her elbow, before kicking it in the foot, then in the belly, then she spun around and back kicked it in the chest, knocking it down. She then spun around and upper kicked another in the back, knocking it away, but then a third came up behind her and kicked her in the back, knocking her onto the wooden table. She got up and spun around, kicking one in the arm as she did, then grabbed another's arm and kicked it in the chest, slipping onto her back as she did, but then she got up just as a third tried to stomp on her.Amanda ran off to get the other Rangers

One grabbed Ashlee's arms, then spun her around before pinning her against the table, but then she kicked it off her. She got up and saw she was surrounded by at least a dozen more. She then saw Lizwizard hit Sienna in the face, knocking her down, making her gasp, before she reached into her bag and pulled out her Zeonizers.Sienna and Amanda both looked at her as she got them ready, her decision made."It's morphin time!" Ashlee shouted.Lizwizard picked Sienna up by the arms. (Morph sequence) Zeo Ranger VI Red! she shouted. She then lowered her arms and was then covered in her suit.(End Morph Sequence) She jumped up and pulled Liwizard to the ground."Aghh!" Lizwizard moaned.Ashlee got up as he rolled away slightly, before Ashlee turned to Sienna."Sienna, get outta here!" she ordered.Sienna backed away slightly, as Lizwizard got back up and growled.

"Go!" Ashlee ordered.Sienna turned around and ran off, as Ashlee charged at Lizwizard. Ashlee sent a kick at him, but he blocked it with his elbow, then blocked a whack with his elbow, before he whacked Ashlee in the chest. Ashlee then jumped up as he tried to trip her up with his tail, then she twirled around and landed behind him.Sienna kept running away, but then stopped, and then turned back to Ashlee and Lizwizard.Ashlee blocked a whack with her elbow, then punched Lizwizard in the chest three times, knocking him back.

"Just like old times." Ashlee smirked. Ashlee growled at him before Sienna turned around and charged at him.He then hit Ashlee in the chest with his claw, causing her to turn around while clutching her chest. He then grabbed Ashlee by the shoulders, then spun around while turning her around.Sienna came up behind Lizwizard and then pounced on him."Sienna!" Ashlee gasped, Lizwizard's hand around her neck.

Sienna then pulled Lizwizard off Ashlee, but then Lizwizard moved his head back, knocking Sienna off him and onto the grass."What are you gonna do?!" Lizwizard scoffed, as Ashlee fell to her knees. "You're only human!"Sienna turned to him and got up."Need some backup?!" a voice called.Sienna turned and saw her friends arrive, all morphed, and Hannah's arm now out of the sling.Quantrons then charged at the seven of them, but they all fought past them. Amanda kicked one in the belly, Natasha spun around and tackled another, then Karone pushed past a third.Hannah then punched one in the chest, before turning to Sienna, as Amanda blocked another's punch before punching it in the chest. Karone then grabbed a third's arm as it tried to punch her, and then hit it in the chest with her knee."Sienna, I brought you a little something that may come in handy!" Hannah called, holding her morpher. "Catch!"She tossed Sienna her morpher, as Chelsea kicked a Quantron away, and Sabrina punched another in the chest twice. Sienna then jumped up and caught her morpher, before she landed on the ground, and then rolled forward, before she turned to Lizwizard."Uh, wait!" he pleaded.Yes." Ashlee said, clutching her chest, before holding her thumb up. "You can do it!"

Sienna looked at her morpher, before she got to her feet. She then turned to the others, as Hannah ducked under a Quantron's punch."It's good to have you back on the team!" she said, as Kristen ducked under another's kick, before kicking it herself.Lizwizard laughed as Sienna turned to him."I am only human...but I'm also the Black Ranger!" Sienna retorted. "Let's Rocket!"She opened her morpher up.(Morph sequence)Sienna then morphed into her Ranger suit, as she spun around as the words 'Morphing Complete' came up, and then her helmet symbol glowed.(End morph sequence)"Time to clean up this mess!" she decided, twirling her Lunar Lance around over her head."I'll second that!" Ashlee said, running up behind Lizwizard, and then grabbed him by the shoulders.

Sienna blocked a Quantron's blade with her Lance, then she twirled it around as more came at her, making them back off. She then hit one in the belly with it, then blocked another's pole with it, then blocked a third's pole with it. She then spun around and got behind the third as it charged at her, and then she hit it in the back with her Lance. She then crouched down and tripped a fourth up with it, knocking it down, before she hit it in the chest with it, but then she got up and saw Lizwizard had wrapped his tongue around Ashlee.

"Ashlee!" she cried.A Quantron nearly came up behind her, but then Amanda got between them and grappled it."I've got these guys!" she called, as Sienna turned to her.

She nodded, then twirled her Lance around, and then she charged and jumped up.

Lizwizard turned to her as she dived down towards him.

"Switch!" Lizwizard shouted, switching his and Ashlee's positions.

Ashlee looked up as Sienna dived towards her, just as Amanda kicked a Quantron away, and then turned to the Red and Black Rangers."Sienna!" Ashlee yelled."Not again!" Amanda cried.

Sienna then however, jumped onto Ashlee's shoulder, and then dived towards Lizwizard, slashing him downwards with her lance. She then slashed him along the chest with it, causing him to fall down and let go of Ashlee. She stood up straight, while putting the pole end of her lance down, as Ashlee turned to her, and then Amanda ran towards them both."Ashlee, that was close. You okay, Ash?Sienna asked, turning to Ashlee."Yeah." Ashlee assured, turning to her."Thanks, man." Sienna said, holding her free hand out."No, thank you." Ashlee said, high-fiving her.n the Dark Fortress, Daimon and Malicia looked at the Red and Black Rangers on the viewing screen, as they turned to Lizwizard. Another Red Ranger! Daimon exclaimed, before he hit a panel and Malicia's hand. "Fire the Satellasers!""Ow!" Malicia yelped, shaking her hand.The Satellasers fired from the Dark Fortress towards Earth.The Satellasers then hit Lizwizard as he got back up, making him grow giant, as Natasha reached Sienna and Ashlee."Oh, no." Ashlee moaned, as they all looked up."Looks like our troubles ain't over yet." Sienna grunted. "Let's do it!"Karone and the others then ran towards them both.

"Sienna!" Karone said, as the eight gathered together.

"Hey." Sienna said."Are you up for this?" Karone asked."You bet." Sienna said."That's the spirit." Natasha said, touching her shoulder."Let's do it." Karone said."Right." Sienna said.

They all looked up at Lizwizard."We need Astro Megazord power now!" Sienna shouted, holding her right hand up like a chopper, and her left by her chest like a chopper, then twirled them around while clutching her fists, then held her left up, and her right by her left hip.The Astro Megaship began to change into the Astro Megazord.Go Power RangersThe shuttle turned around and shot straight for the Astro Megaship.Go Power Rangers The front of the Megaship then split in half, and went down either side of it, as the shuttle flew towards the top of the bits that split.

Go Power RangersThe shuttle - now in head mode - landed on top of the Megaship, forming the Astro Megazord.Go Power RangersGo Power Rangers"Astro Megazord, online!" Karone shouted.Ah...The Astro Megazord then landed in the city, and then got ready to fight, before bringing its saber out."Astro Megazord Saber all set." Sienna reported."Here goes."Karone said.Lizwizard then charged at the Astro Megazord, who readied itself.

"Let's get this guy." Sienna decided.The Astro Megazord and Lizwizard both charged at each other, then the Astro Megazord powered up its saber. It then slashed him across the chest with its saber, causing lightning to come out of him, before he turned around. Sparks then came out of his body before he blew up.Later, Sienna met up with Ashlee in the park, just as the others ran down the steps after her.They both shook hands and then hugged each other."Thanks, Ash." Sienna said.They parted and then turned to the others."Oh, Sienna." Amanda said."Yeah." Kristen said.All but Ashlee then gathered around Sienna and lifted her up.
