Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
[[Category:Power Rangers R.P.M]]

The Alphomega Megazord is Omega 3's personal Megazord, formed from his personal Dragon Craft Zord and the A.I. operated Unicorn Tank. Like the High Octane Megazord, its arms can fold away to accommodate other Zord Attack Vehicles for use as armament/s.

Zord Attack Vehicles[]

Dragon Craft[]

Dragon Craft is Ranger Operator Series White's personal Zord Attack Vehicle. It forms the torso, arms, and head of the Alphomega Megazord.

Unicorn Tank[]

Uniform Tank is an A.I. controlled Zord Attack Vehicle. The A.I. was created by Doctor Kay as a way of giving Omega 3 a friend while out on test runs. It forms the hips, legs, and helmet of the Alphomega Megazord.

Other Combinations[]

