Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

[[Category:Power Rangers Alpha Dino Charge]]

Dinosaur Might, ready to fight! Power Rangers Alpha Dino Charge! ― roll call

The Alpha Dino Charge Rangers are the 2nd generation Dino Charge Power Rangers.


They are the students at Amber Beach High in which is not too far from the Amber Beach Zoo. Terrence the leader, Charles the field commander, Kodi the strong boy from the jungle, Randy the fearless fighter, Sonja the genius and Ptero the Zandar Prince.

Alpha Energems[]

Heckyl now a Keeper Guardian creates the Alpha Energems and the 5 teens find them thus earning the Alpha Dino Charge Morphers and becoming the New Power Rangers!

Alpha Dino Charge Rangers Team[]

File:Power Rangers Dino Ultracharge red.jpg

"With the strength of the Tyrannosaurus Rex - Alpha Dino Charge Red Ranger!"

File:Power Rangers Dino Ultracharge black.jpg

"With the stealth of the Stegosaurus Alpha Dino Charge Black Ranger!"

File:Power Rangers Dino Ultracharge blue.jpg

"With the Wisdom of the Triceratops Alpha Dino Charge Blue Ranger!"

File:Power Rangers Dino Ultracharge green.jpg

"With the spirit of the Parasaur - Alpha Dino Charge Green Ranger!"

File:Power Rangers Dino Ultracharge pink.jpg

"With the kick of the Velociraptor! - Alpha Dino Charge Pink Ranger!"

File:Power Rangers Dino Ultracharge gold.jpg

"With The Flight of the Pterodactyl Alpha Dino Charge Gold Ranger!"


  • The Alpha Dino Charge Rangers are High School Students at Amber Beach High and hangout at the Dino Bite Cafe.