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All Aboard is the first episode of Power Rangers Rail Riders. It is the debut of the Rail Riders Rangers, the Rainbow Line Megazord, the Conductor and the Shadow Line.


The Rainbow Line is pulling into the station, and the battle between imagination and shadow is about to begin!


In a mysterious forest, a bloodstained man is seen on the ground. He gets up and goes to see his friend, Charlie North, who is also on the ground stained with blood and seems dead. Marcus manages to revive her then Sanzoku Anderson appears, followed by Faye Harrison and an unknown man. They heard a noise that only came from Gus Fischer who said he had found the person he was looking for.

6 months earlier, a city presents us with children playing with their imagination. Darkness suddenly begins to surface and a mysteriously dark train led by Ragdoll kidnaps lots of children. The whole world froze, however Sanzoku arrived in an alley followed by Crows ready to attack him. However, Charlie comes to save him and overpowers them all. San thanks him for protecting him. Charlie wasn't done with them and they had to fight against them. Following this, Faye is seen carrying a large bag full of money and was surprised by Gus whom she took for an enemy. San and Charlie got tied up thinking that this moment was going to be their death (which displeased Charlie who did not want to die alongside a stranger). But San confirmed that they had known each other for a long time, however he had forgotten her name. Gus and Faye arrive and save them by removing what was holding them back from San and Charlie and then they all fight against the Crows.

Marcus was sleeping on a bench until some Crows kicked him off his bench, forcing Marcus to fight them. San, Charlie, Gus and Faye fight against those who attacked them despite the latter's fear. Marcus arrived, marking a brief pause in the battle which quickly resumed. He joined his future teammates in battle and they defeated them.

A man named the Conductor introduces himself to Marcus, San, Charlie, Gus and Faye. They don't understand where these trains come from but the Conductor explains to them that it is the Rainbow Line, a line endowed with the power of imagination that these five people had. The Conductor also tells them about the Shadow Line, an evil line that seeks to plunge this world into darkness.

The Conductor distributes a morpher and a Train to each of them, however Marcus admits that he doesn't really like blue and exchanges with Sanzoku's who had Red. Then, Faye did the same by swapping the yellow with the pink then Charlie swaps the green with the yellow. Each having the color they want, Marcus makes a play on words with his first name, Ricky, and Rail Rider 1 Red, which seemed confusing to San but not to the others. He asks Marcus if he doesn't have a second name and they all decide to call him Marcus.

After that Ragdoll's evil train attacks the Rainbow Line and Marcus, who decides to take matters into his own hands, pilots the zord and ejects the monster out of his evil train. After saving the children, the five transform and fight together for the first time.

During the battle, Marcus learns that they can use their imaginations to swap powers and weapons with each other, and they use this to confuse their enemies (even if they confuse themselves), by alternating their attacks randomly and defeating all of the upgraded Crows until the Conductor forcibly undoes the switches, claiming that such an ability should only be used in an emergency. The Rail Riders Rangers then finish off the monster with the Rail Cannon, but it later enlarges with the power of darkness, prompting the Conductor to hand over control of the Rail Zords for the Rail Riders Rangers to form the Rainbow Line Megazord, the using to destroy Ragdoll for good with the final attack.

Contemplating Ragdoll's defeat, Baron Stein did not worry because he is aware that despite the line being conquered by the Rainbow Line, the Shadow Line will rule this world as long as they continue to collect human despair. General Shwartz tells him that they shouldn't be so arrogant and that they should focus on their main threat, saying that he will be the one to eliminate them in order to bring back their Emperor. Greta only took care of the outfits she would like to wear, which Madame Noir set about making by taking Greta's measurements. Returning from their first victory, the Rail Riders Rangers celebrate their victory and the Conductor congratulates them however he also tells them that they now have to save 1,437 more stations, which shocks the rest of the team, with Gus knocking over his towards, Faye who cries with Charlie reassuring her and San who literally wants to shoot himself with his blaster. Marcus told them, while having a big appetite, that they are Power Rangers and that it's normal but Faye didn't hear it that way, jumping on him without hesitation.


Transfer Changes[]


  • At the beginning of the episode we can see Japanese children playing.
    • This episode would have been one of the episodes in which Japanese characters appear.
Right Error

Right can be seen at the bottom.

  • When Ragdoll is hit by the Rainbow Line on his train, Marcus' counterpart can be seen in the back.
  • When Faye tries to gain the confidence to defeat the Crows, the sequence of Kagura having confidence in herself was used. This was done on purpose by the producers because they didn't have the time to create new footage.
  • During the ending scene, a green background can be seen on the windows of the train door.
  • When the Rangers' cockpits are positioned, Japanese words can be seen on the back.


  • For the first and only time, Marcus used all 4 of his teammates' main powers in this episode.
  • This episode marks the first appearance of a male Pink Ranger in an episode of the entire Power Rangers franchise.
  • This episode reveals a lot about the characters:
    • Sanzoku and Charlie were in the same school when they were younger.
    • Marcus doesn't like blue and Charlie hates pink.
      • However, ĀØMarcus still wanted to become the Blue Ranger during the Transfer Changes.
    • Marcus' first name is Ricky while Charlie's first name is Charlotte.
      • In fact, Charlie's family calls her Charlotte.
    • Sanzoku is dyslexic.
  • This is one of the few episodes in the franchise to show blood.
  • It is made apparent by the end that this series will have very dark humor going forward.

See Also[]

External Link[]
