Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-donbrothers This article is about a/an ranger in Power Rangers Ancient Legends.

Alex Cheng is a mysterious man who believes himself to be a natural hero and claims to be the actual leader of the Legend Rangers because of him being a Ranger before Jacob Gallagher after the latter disappeared. Alex can transform into both the Gold Legend Ranger and the Silver Legend Ranger, the Gold and Silver Rangers of the Legend Rangers, respectively.

Character History

Please read the Rangerwiki page for his Sentai counterpart to find out about this section.


Normal Personality

Alex is a hot-blooded man who came back to the United States from the Chinese countryside as a "substitute for Jacob". He has a pure personality and often runs through the world like a child. However, even though he tries his best to get others to like him, his naivety often rubs others the wrong way, as he sometimes does or say things that may come off as awkward and off-putting.

Since he was young, Alex has always wanted to be a hero, and does his best in whatever he can do to become one. Driven by an uplifting motivation, he eventually begins to idolize Jacob and strives to become as good as him. However, this sheer idolization has also at times led him into extreme disappointment out of being deemed not worthy enough to be Jacob's replacement, leading to the birth of his alternate personality.

Despite the misgivings and misunderstandings arising from the actions of his "rage mode" persona, Alex has not faltered in his quest to become a hero, and was also quick to accept his dangerous persona after being made aware of and meeting him face to face for the first time. In fact, this has only served to spur him on in his goal to surpass Jacob in a positive manner.

Dangerous Personality

It is later revealed that Alex has an alternate personality which is referred to by Sophie as his "Rage Mode" that he himself was unaware of at first, with Alex switching whenever he is in severe shock. This alternate personality is much more cruel and hostile, attacking anyone who has ever treated him with disdain. In particular, Rage Mode Alex has developed a vendetta towards Jacob Gallagher due to the latter being so much better than him at everything, and makes it his goal to take down Jacob and replace him as the one and only hero and leader of the Legend Rangers.

Rage Mode Alex dislikes his other self for the latter's huge idolization of Jacob, claiming that this is the reason why he'll will never truly surpass him. However, he does not go so far as to antagonize prime Alex, who was quick to accept him and was also able to easily tame his feral demeanor in battle.

Despite his hostility, Rage Mode Alex has an oddly-empathic side; able to sense the "sorrow" coming out of Sharkator.

Powers and Abilities


  • Form Mimicry: By placing the glasses of the associated Ranger over his own visor, the Gold Legend Ranger can take on their form and gain access to their abilities.


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Ranger Spirits

Main article: Ranger Spirits

Using the Legend Ranger Medals of Legend Rangers whilst in his Gold Ranger form, Alex has access to the powers and forms of any sixth ranger regardless of colour (unlike the other Rangers who can only transform into Rangers of their own colour) via a process known as "Spirit Metamorphosis".

Sixth Rangers

  • Green Mighty Morphin Ranger
  • White Mighty Morphin Ranger
  • Gold Zeo Ranger
  • Silver Space Ranger
  • Titanium Ranger
  • Quantum Ranger
  • Lunar Wolf Ranger
  • Green Samurai Ranger (Ninja Storm)
  • White Dino Ranger
  • S.P.D. Omega Ranger
  • Solaris Knight
  • Mercury Ranger
  • Ranger Operator Series Gold
  • Ranger Operator Series Silver
  • Gold Samurai Ranger
  • Robo Knight
  • Super Megaforce Silver Ranger
  • Dino Charge Gold Ranger
  • Ninja Steel Gold Ranger
  • Grid Battleforce Gold Ranger
  • Grid Battleforce Silver Ranger
  • Dino Fury Gold Ranger
  • Gold Robo Ranger

Gold Legend Alterzord

By using the Gold Legend Alterzord Legend Ranger Medal, Alex shrinks down to 15cm, transforming him into his zord form, the Gold Legend Alterzord. In this form, he can switch between both a robot form and a dragon form.

Ninja-Legend Alterzord

  • Whilst in his zord form, Alex can use the Ninja Steel Alterzord Legend Ranger Medal to combine with it and form the Gold Slicer Mode of the Ninja-Legend Alterzord.

Super-Legend Alterzord

  • Whilst in his zord form, Alex can use the Super Megaforce Alterzord Legend Ranger Medal to combine with it and form the Gold Slash Mode of the Super-Legend Alterzord.

Gold Legend Ranger




  • Dragonic Lightning Crash: The Gold Legend Ranger launches a red energy dragon from the emblem on his chest that rams into the target multiple times as he thrusts the Legend Spear-Axe Smasher in it's Spear Mode through them without the enemy noticing.

Silver Legend Ranger




  • Silver Tiger Power Strike: The Silver Legend Ranger launches a silver energy tiger from the emblem on his chest that slashes the target multiple times as he slashes them with the Legend Spear-Axe Smasher in it's Axe Mode without the enemy noticing.

Behind the Scenes


  • Alex is portrayed by Simu Liu. As the Gold and Silver Legend Rangers, his suit actor in the Donbrothers stock footage is Shigeki Ito (ä¼Šč—¤ 茂é؎ Itō Shigeki).

See Also
