Teamwork Madison79004's version
Shelley tries to break a fitness record, but Goldar has a plan to separate Shelley from the others. Rita sends down the powerful King Sphinx to squash Shelley.
At the Juice Bar, Shelley is trying to break Bulk's bench-pressing record, but is unable to do so, because while she is doing this Dawn is at the karaoke machine singing and then Katrina comes in on a skateboard. Meanwhile in the Park Nicole is taking pictures with her camera Shelley doubts her ability to succeed, and fears she will be known as a quitter The other Ranger girls try to comfort her but have mixed success. At the Moon Palace Rita believes that Shelley is not tough without her friends to help her. She decides to isolate Shelley from the others and destroy her and has Finster create the King Sphinx to separate the other Rangers from her by using his powerful wings to blow them away. Rita's plan succeeds as King Sphinx and a group of Putties attack the Earth. Shelley, Dawn,Nicole and Katrina rush to face him, but King Sphinx blows The Maroon Capri and Pink Rangers back to the Juice Bar. He then battles Shelley, and the two are quite evenly matched until King Sphinx telports them to a desert like area. Goldar joins the fray, helping King Sphinx fight Shelley. At the Command Center Zordon summons the rest of the Rangers and alerts them to Shelley's struggle. Somehow, the desert can't be reached, and the only way to help Shelley is to send her their Power Crystals, which would allow the Rangers to teleport to the area. in the desert, Rita has made King Sphinx and Goldar grow. Zordon sends the Power Crystals, which Shelley uses to summon the other Rangers. they summon Their Dinozords, and fight both Goldar and King Sphinx in the Megazord. Eventually they gain the upper-hand when they summon the Power Sword, destroying King Sphinx. Goldar retreats, and on the Moon, Rita is furious. back at Erica's juice bar, Shelley is able to break Bulk's bench-pressing record. Bulk himself arrives with Skull, claiming he will reclaim his record. Erica brings out a cake for all to enjoy, which Bulk promptly ends up having his face smashed into when he trips on a weight
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Form Changes and Collectables Used[]
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to be added
See Also[]
- episodename - Super Sentai counterpart in season. See comparison page.