Power Rangers Fanon Wiki
Icon-donbrothers This article is about a/an episode in Power Rangers Ancient Legends.

A New Legend Has Arrived is the first episode of Power Rangers Ancient Legends. This episode features the following:


After the Robo Force Rangers managed to defeat Emperor Zenkai for good, both worlds went back to normal and peace was restored... But not for long as remnants of the old Robonoid Empire have managed to survive the palace's destruction and are now set out to resume what their masters have started! In order to combat this new threat, Luke and Danny recruit a new team of Rangers with the burning spirits of ancient Japanese warlords to save the Earth all whilst they party like it's no tomorrow!


For this episode's plot, see the Rangerwiki page for the Donbrothers episode that this one is based on.

Main Cast

Suit Actors (Stock Footage)

  • Red Legend Ranger: Kosuke Asai (ęµ…äŗ• å®č¼” Asai Kōsuke)
  • Yellow Legend Ranger: Ayumi Shimozono (äø‹åœ’ ę„›å¼“ Shimozono Ayumi)
  • Pink Legend Ranger, Shadow Robo Ranger: Masashi Takada (高ē”° 将åø Takada Masashi)
  • Prince Vargax: Hirotsugu Mori (ę£® 博嗣 Mori Hirotsugu)

Form Changes and Collectibles Used

Legend Ranger Medals

  • Red Legend Ranger - Robo Force
  • Yellow Legend Ranger - N/A
  • Pink Legend Ranger - N/A

Spirit Metamorphosis

  • Red Legend Ranger - White Robo Ranger
  • Yellow Legend Ranger - N/A
  • Pink Legend Ranger - N/A

Ranger Gears

