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A Lion's Alliance is the fourth episode of Power Rangers Space Pirates. This episode is a tribute to Power Rangers Wild Force and features the return of Cole Evans (Red Wild Force Ranger), the Red Lion Wildzord and the debut of Legendary Wild Force Megazord.


Determined to strengthen their defense against the Armada, the Rangers head to a mystical airborne island named Animarium in search of the wild yet powerful Red Lion Zord with the help of a veterinarian.


When the Rangers to the lair, Gosei congratulates them for their victories but Ewan tells him that the fights against the Armada are going to get harder and harder and that they will not be able to hold them back long enough. So, Gosei tells them to get some help so they grow stronger, something that pleases Julia since she loves adventure. As per today's mission, Gosei tells them to go to a floating turtle-shaped island to find what is called the Red Lion, a lion that Zion had already heard about through his research on the Wild Force Rangers. They leave in their Megazord to go find it.

While the morphed Ewan piloted the Space Skyship Zord, Zion, Julia, Jack and Clare were tasked with searching for the lion, using pirate tools. It takes the Rangers hours to find it, having circled the Earth at least 3 times, according to Jack. Clare remarks that she saw a turtle-shaped cloud during these three rounds, which Zion does not affirm since clouds do not keep the same shape for that long although in the end he and Ewan realized that this cloud could be Animarium so they go to see if it is. They then discovered that it was indeed the Animarium, which impressed the crew.

Meanwhile on the Armada Mothership, the Armada have been tracking the Rangers and deduce there is something important on the island, so they go after it to get it before the Rangers do. They send a ship to attack the Rangers', making them crash land on the island. Damaras then complains that they destroyed their ship but reassures himself, saying that Peluso will arrive.

Ewan then calls the team, informing them that he will join them as soon as possible. Jack finds it crazy that they appeared out of nowhere so Zion thinks that maybe they are there for the same reason as them but Julia thinks no, adding that it doesn't matter much. Having survived the crash, X Borgs attack the Rangers so they don their helmets and Space Pirate Red joins them. After eliminating them, the Red Ranger suggests that they separate, leading Julia to take Clare and Zion by the hand so that they can quickly and efficiently accomplish this mission and Ewan with Jack who must go get it on their side. The two boys go into the woods in search of this zord while the three other pirates do the same on their side, however a squad of X Borgs attacks them. Julia, Zion and Clare assume the forms of Black Aquitar Ranger, Black Dino Ranger, and Ranger Operator Series Black to take out X Borgs. Jack realizes that the others need their help, which Ewan knows, however they also find themselves confronted not only by the X Borgs but also by the Bruisers accompanied by General Peluso, who "thanks" them for having led them to this island.

Peluso and his X Borgs and Bruisers prepared to attack but luckily the rest of the team saved them. A. Eventually, after trying to repel them unsuccessfully, they used the Wild Force Keys to win. But the Armada keeps bugging them, so they have to remain morphed. While they are still fighting, the Red Lion appears on its rock. Not trusting anyone, the Zord knocks everyone, including the Rangers, off the island. Everyone fell to the ground while Peluso rides a Bruiser's ship form. They are about to get back up to Animarium when they are warned by Cole Evans not to go, with Ewan who immediately recognized him as the Wild Force Rangers' Red Ranger and leader. He first introduces himself and mentions his adventures with his teams, including Princess Shayla and the other Wildzords, telling them that they live here and are safe. He explains to them that only the Red Lion can unleash the power of the Wild Force Stone and that he took them off the island because he doesn't trust them. Zion then deduces that they must ensure that the Red Lion trusts them in order to develop the power of the Wild Force.

Prince Vekar catches Damaras making plans behind his back to catch the Red Lion, explaining to him that only the conquest of Earth matters to them, so he sends Argus to announce a change in plans.

As the Rangers and Cole are figuring out how to prove themselves to the Red Lion, Peluso and the X Borgs are seen attacking the humans. As they handle the monsters and rescue the civilians, they realize that it is a distraction to keep them from getting to the Red Lion. At the same time as he saves civilians thanks to his veterinary skills, Cole watches the Space Pirates Rangers' fight and is astonished by them. Still needing to prove themselves worthy to the Red Lion, they morph into the Wild Force mode to defeat the Bruisers with the Jungle Sword before finishing Peluso with the Pirate Blast.

When Peluso and his Bruisers are enlarged, the Space Pirates Rangers summon the Legendary Megazord to combat him. As the Rangers prepare to finish off Peluso with the Pirate Starburst attack, the vicious monster fires off one of his hand claws, which renders the compass at the Legendary Megazord's back unable to revolve (which is necessary to activate the Starburst attack) and leaves the pirates unable to control their Megazord for a brief period of time. Fortunately, the Red Lion Wildzord's acceptance enables them to summon him from Animarium with the Wild Force Keys as he and the Legendary Megazord combine into the Legendary Wild Force Megazord to take out both Bruisers before destroying Peluso with Mega Roar.

As Cole walks off, the pirates thank their new ally and they wish the Red Lion well as they depart for home.


Legendary Ranger Modes[]

Elements/Homages to Wild Force[]

  • As in the first episode of Wild Force, the Red Lion Wildzord is mentioned in the episode title, although indirectly.


  • The Gokaigers as the Turborangers are visible in the shot where the Rangers are sent flying off the island. This is the first appearance of the Turborangers in the Power Rangers franchise, uncredited or not.
  • The camera crew is visible in Clare's White Wild Force Ranger visor.
    • In a similar error that occurs in the close up of Jack, studio equipment is seen off his visor.
  • During the second Wild Force transformation, an after effect of an explosion flashes on screen. This is due to the poor removal of the Gao kanji from the Sentai footage.
  • In the close up of Ewan, with the Wild Force Red Key, the reflection of the city can be seen off his visor, even though the Rangers are on the Animarium, which is practically an entire jungle.
    • Also the shadow of crew workers can be seen.
  • After morphing into Wild Force, the Rangers are right next to each other. But the next scene they've not only switched places, but Jack, Zion, and Julia are behind Ewan and Clare.
  • Somehow, everyone ends up in different locations, after they fall off of the Animarium. Even though they were altogether when they fell.


  • This is the only appearance of:
    • Space Pirate Blue Ranger's Black Dino Ranger form.
    • Space Pirate Yellow Ranger's Black Aquitar Ranger form.
    • Space Pirate Green Ranger's Black Wild Force Ranger form.
    • Space Pirate Pink Ranger's White Wild Force Ranger form.
  • This is the first episode to feature the Animarium since The End of the Power Rangers, Pt. 2.
  • This is the second episode after "Space Pirates" to feature a Ranger (in this case, all of them) morphing into the same Ranger or team twice.
  • Though primarily an adaptation of episode 9 of Gokaiger, the footage of the Black Ranger Legendary Ranger Mode comes from episode 3, which featured the unlocking of the Mystic Force (Magiranger) power, which was used in the previous episode. A White Ranger change appeared in addition to the Black Ranger change in the original episode, however, it was unusable due to Gokai Blue and Gokai Pink changing into White Rangers from two unadapted series, while Gokai Yellow changed into, ironically considering the primary focus of this episode, the counterpart of the White Wild Force Ranger.
  • This is the episode that breaks the streak of every episode having an S.P.D change, however, the Legendary S.P.D. Megazord is featured heavily in the opening sequence.
  • Princess Shayla and the other Wild Zords were mentioned by Cole Evans.
  • This episode reveals that Cole finally became a veterinarian after the events of Wild Force, just like his counterpart.
  • This episode's title is a play on homonyms, as "A Lion's" is pronounced similar to "Alliance".

See Also[]
