Power Rangers Fanon Wiki

"Circuit Smasher! CPU Silver!"
ā€•ALPHA's rollcall[src]

"Fear not, citizens, for I am here!"
ā€•ALPHA's catchphrase[src]

ALPHA is a male Buddy Droid created by Quincy McLaren. Originally hailing from the domed city of Galatia, he has since accompanied his creator to Earth-1, where he now protects Starview Heights as CPU Silver.


A Buddy-Droid created by Quincy after the Fall of Galatia, ALPHA is the sole robotic member of the CPU team, and was presumably constructed purely to serve as the second Ranger Series Silver. Shortly after his creation, he and Quincy hitched a ride on an Attack Zord, which allowed them to travel from Earth-2 to Earth-1. There, ALPHA assisted his creator in converting an abandoned factory on the outskirts of Starview Heights into their new base of operations, from which they would soon launch their campaign against Venjix. Quincy used his hacking skills to crack open the CIA's database, stealing intel on the CPU Rangers. After learning the secret identities of Rangers Red, Blue, and Yellow, they set the next phase of their plan into action.

During the Vacuum Attack Bot's battle with the core three CPU Rangers, ALPHA and Quincy appeared, morphed and ready for action. After a brief scuffle, they intentionally allowed the Attack Bot to escape, much to the confusion and consternation of the others. Griffin confronted the two newcomers, demanding to know of their intentions, but ALPHA and his creator remained undeterred as they made a surprise getaway...

Later on, Griffin and the others tracked down the Vacuum Attack Bot again. However, the three quickly found themselves overpowered. Just as Doctor K picked up an incoming Attack Zord and things seemed bleak, ALPHA and Quincy returned. Quincy ordered Griffin and the others to focus their efforts on the Attack Zord, leaving him and ALPHA to take on the Attack Bot once more. Griffin reluctantly agreed, and together ALPHA and his partner handidly defeated the Vacuum Attack Bot. They then commandeered its trailer truck full of Energon and drove off with it, much to the anger of their fellow Rangers.

Shortly afterward, ALPHA and Quincy joined the team after all five Rangers worked together to defeat the Antenna Attack Bot.


Bombastic, reckless, and theatrical, ALPHA was programmed to be the ideal hero. He's loyal, brave, and strong - however, he has a quirk. Namely, he's entirely self-absorbed, always craving the spotlight. His habit of showboating and grandstanding often annoy his human teammates, but in spite of his flaws, ALPHA is a loyal friend and ally who'll never abandon his companions.

In addition to his showy nature, ALPHA also has an addiction to Energon, which he often drinks out of prepackaged aluminum cans. If he goes for long periods of time without Energon, he seems to go through withdrawals, much like an alcoholic would. His penchant for the liquid energy source often leads him to do impulsive and reckless things in order to acquire more.

As Quincy's oldest companion and friend, he often acts as the Gold Ranger's moral compass. In turn, Quincy often acts as an older brother like figure to the robot, trying (usually in vain) to keep him out of trouble and constantly apologizing to others for ALPHA's socially inept and occasionally rude behavior.

CPU Silver[]


CPU Silver

"Install: CPU!"
ā€•Morphing phrase[src]

ALPHA's default form as CPU Silver, it is the second iteration of the Series Silver Bio-Hardware and has a stag beetle motif.



  • Energy-Shell


  • Overcharge

Appearances: CPU Episodes 14-28


ALPHA is an acronym that stands for Artificially-Learning Placid Humanoid-Ally. This refers to his nature as a Buddy-Droid, while also acting as a reference to Alpha 5, the robotic assistant of Zordon and the first ever ally character in Power Rangers.


  • He is the sole non-human member of his team.
    • As such, he lacks a "birthday" in the traditional sense. However, his "activation date" is February 14th, 201X, approximately seven months prior to the start of the series. This makes him an Aquarius.
      • In terms of physical age, he was built approximately seven months prior to the start of the series. In terms of mental maturity and neurological development, he's somewhere between sixteen and eighteen years old. This makes him the youngest member of the CPU team by both counts.
  • His oft-repeated catchphrase ("Fear not, (subject/s), for I am here!") is a loving nod to the character All Might from the popular manga and anime franchise My Hero Academia.


See Also[]

Power nav icon Power Rangers: CPUPower Rangers CPU logo
CPU Rangers
Griffin Steinmann - Kenshin "Kenny" Okabe - Wendy Rowan - Quincy McLaren - ALPHA
SpyTech Brace - CellTech Blaster - SpyTech Brace V2 - FusionTech Visor - Transpods - SpyTech Sniper - SpyTech Analyzer - SpyTech Aperture - DriveTech Blade - LionTech Bazooka
Doctor K - Cheetor - Apex - Bugz - Agent Wright
Zord Attack Vehicles, Generation II
Cheetah Chaser - Gorilla Hauler - Rabbit Chopper - Rhino Loader - Stag Jet
Cheetah Chaser (Warrior Mode) - SpyTech Megazord - Rhino Loader (Warrior Mode) - BeetleBlast Megazord
Venjix's Army
Leader: Venjix
Generals: Control - Alt - Delete
Evil Rangers: CPU CTRL
Attack Bots: Keyboard Attack Bot - Dozer Attack Bot (Simulation) - Shovel Attack Bot - Tire Attack Bot - Dumbbell Attack Bot - Fire Attack Bot - Train Attack Bot - Cutter Attack Bot - Acid Attack Bot - Tiara Attack Bot - Eraser Attack Bot - Camera Attack Bot - Arsenal Attack Bot - Vacuum Attack Bot - Antenna Attack Bot - Drill Attack Bot - Key Attack Bot - Karate Attack Bot - Magnet Attack Bot - Fork Attack Bot - Spring Attack Bot - Tuba Attack Bot - Syringe Attack Bot - Hourglass Attack Bot
Attack Zords: Shovel Attack Zord - Dumbbell Attack Zord - Fire Attack Zord - Train Attack Zord - Cutter Attack Zord - Acid Attack Zord - Tiara Attack Zord - Camera Attack Zord - Arsenal Attack Zord - Vacuum Attack Zord - Antenna Attack Zord - Drill Attack Zord - Key Attack Zord - Karate Attack Zord - Magnet Attack Zord - Spring Attack Zord - Tuba Attack Zord - Syringe Attack Zord - XanaZords
Footsoldiers: Xanadroids
Administrator: Administrator Burke
Personnel: Mr. Strong - Ms. Ramirez - James Randall
Footsoldiers: ARC Troopers
Specimens: BME-1
Mechalius Empire
Deity: The W'rkncacnter
Empress: Empress Dioda
Imperial Triumvirate: Maintanner - Shovelloader - Vargoyle
Robotrons: Robotrons
Gigadrones: Gigadrones - Gigatronics
Footsoldiers: Tronics
Alphabet Soup
Overseer: The Librarian
Personnel: Doctor L - Doctor Q
Programs: Infiltr8 - Caiaphas
Footsoldiers: Digitrons
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